them; and whole chimneys, nay, whole houses in two
or three places, blowed down. But, above all,
the pales on London-bridge on both sides were blown
away, so that we were fain to stoop very low for fear
of blowing off of the bridge. We could see no
boats in the Thames afloat, but what were broke loose,
and carried through the bridge, it being ebbing water.
And the greatest sight of all was, among other parcels
of ships driven here and there in clusters together,
one was quite overset and lay with her masts all along
in the water, and keel above water. So walked
home, my Lord away to his house and I to dinner, Mr.
Creed being come to towne and to dine with me, though
now it was three o’clock. After dinner
he and I to our accounts and very troublesome he is
and with tricks which I found plainly and was vexed
at; while we were together comes Sir G. Downing with
Colonell Norwood, Rumball, and Warrupp to visit me.
I made them drink good wine and discoursed above
alone a good while with Sir G. Downing, who is very
troublesome, and then with Colonell Norwood, who hath
a great mind to have me concerned with him in everything;
which I like, but am shy of adventuring too much,
but will thinke of it. They gone, Creed and I
to finish the settling his accounts. Thence
to the office, where the Houblans and we discoursed
upon a rubb which we have for one of the ships I hoped
to have got to go out to Tangier for them. They
being gone, I to my office-business late, and then
home to supper and even sacke for lacke of a little
wine, which I was forced to drink against my oathe,
but without pleasure.
25th. Up and to the office, at noon home to
dinner. So abroad to the Duke of Albemarle and
Kate Joyce’s and her husband, with whom I talked
a great deale about Pall’s business, and told
them what portion I would give her, and they do mightily
like of it and will proceed further in speaking with
Harman, who hath already been spoke to about it, as
from them only, and he is mighty glad of it, but doubts
it may be an offence to me, if I should know of it,
so thinks that it do come only from Joyce, which I
like the better. So I do believe the business
will go on, and I desire it were over. I to
the office then, where I did much business, and set
my people to work against furnishing me to go to Hampton
Court, where the King and Duke will be on Sunday next.
It is now certain that the King of France hath publickly
declared war against us, and God knows how little fit
we are for it. At night comes Sir W. Warren,
and he and I into the garden, and talked over all
our businesses. He gives me good advice not to
embarke into trade (as I have had it in my thoughts
about Colonell Norwood) so as to be seen to mind it,
for it will do me hurte, and draw my mind off from
my business and embroile my estate too soon.
So to the office business, and I find him as cunning
a man in all points as ever I met with in my life
and mighty merry we were in the discourse of our owne
trickes. So about to o’clock at night I
home and staid with him there settling my Tangier-Boates
business and talking and laughing at the folly of
some of our neighbours of this office till two in the
morning and so to bed.