Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 158 pages of information about Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz.

Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 158 pages of information about Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz.

The little man gave a bow to the silent throng that had watched him, and then the Prince said, in his cold, calm voice: 

“You are indeed a wonderful Wizard, and your powers are greater than those of my Sorcerer.”

“He will not be a wonderful Wizard long,” remarked Gwig.

“Why not?” enquired the Wizard.

“Because I am going to stop your breath,” was the reply.  “I perceive that you are curiously constructed, and that if you cannot breathe you cannot keep alive.”

The little man looked troubled.

“How long will it take you to stop my breath?” he asked.

“About five minutes.  I’m going to begin now.  Watch me carefully.”

He began making queer signs and passes toward the Wizard; but the little man did not watch him long.  Instead, he drew a leathern case from his pocket and took from it several sharp knives, which he joined together, one after another, until they made a long sword.  By the time he had attached a handle to this sword he was having much trouble to breathe, as the charm of the Sorcerer was beginning to take effect.

So the Wizard lost no more time, but leaping forward he raised the sharp sword, whirled it once or twice around his head, and then gave a mighty stroke that cut the body of the Sorcerer exactly in two.

Dorothy screamed and expected to see a terrible sight; but as the two halves of the Sorcerer fell apart on the floor she saw that he had no bones or blood inside of him at all, and that the place where he was cut looked much like a sliced turnip or potato.

“Why, he’s vegetable!” cried the Wizard, astonished.

“Of course,” said the Prince.  “We are all vegetable, in this country.  Are you not vegetable, also?”

“No,” answered the Wizard.  “People on top of the earth are all meat.  Will your Sorcerer die?”

“Certainly, sir.  He is really dead now, and will wither very quickly.  So we must plant him at once, that other Sorcerers may grow upon his bush,” continued the Prince.

“What do you mean by that?” asked the little Wizard, greatly puzzled.

“If you will accompany me to our public gardens,” replied the Prince, “I will explain to you much better than I can here the mysteries of our Vegetable Kingdom.”

4.  The Vegetable Kingdom

After the Wizard had wiped the dampness from his sword and taken it apart and put the pieces into their leathern case again, the man with the star ordered some of his people to carry the two halves of the Sorcerer to the public gardens.

Jim pricked up his ears when he heard they were going to the gardens, and wanted to join the party, thinking he might find something proper to eat; so Zeb put down the top of the buggy and invited the Wizard to ride with them.  The seat was amply wide enough for the little man and the two children, and when Jim started to leave the hall the kitten jumped upon his back and sat there quite contentedly.

Project Gutenberg
Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.