Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1669 N.S. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 158 pages of information about Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1669 N.S..

Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1669 N.S. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 158 pages of information about Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1669 N.S..
company.  So she, and Mrs. Turner, and The., and Talbot, in mine:  and Joyce, W. Batelier, and I, in a hackney, to Hyde Park, where I was ashamed to be seen; but mightily pleased, though troubled, with a drunken coachman that did not remember when we come to ’light, where it was that he took us up; but said at Hammersmith, and thither he was carrying of us when we come first out of the Park.  So I carried them all to Hercules-Pillars, and there did treat them:  and so, about ten at night, parted, and my wife, and I, and W. Batelier, home; and he gone, we to bed.

22nd.  Up, and to the Office, where all the morning.  At noon home to dinner, and Captain Deane with us; and very good discourse, and particularly about my getting a book for him to draw up his whole theory of shipping, which, at my desire, he hath gone far in, and hath shewn me what he hath done therein, to admiration.  I did give him a Parallelogram, which he is mightily taken with; and so after dinner to the Office, where all the afternoon till night late, and then home.  Vexed at my wife’s not being come home, she being gone again abroad with M. Batelier, and come not home till ten at night, which vexed me, so that I to bed, and lay in pain awake till past one, and then to sleep.

23rd.  Going to rise, without saying anything, my wife stopped me; and, after a little angry talk, did tell me how she spent all day yesterday with M. Batelier and her sweetheart, and seeing a play at the New Nursery, which is set up at the house in Lincoln’s Inn Fields, which was formerly the King’s house.  So that I was mightily pleased again, and rose a with great content; and so by water to White Hall, and there to the Council-Chamber, and heard two or three causes:  among others, that of the complaint of Sir Philip Howard and Watson, the inventors, as they pretend, of the business of varnishing and lackerworke, against the Company of Painters, who take upon them to do the same thing; where I saw a great instance of the weakness of a young Counsel not used to such an audience, against the Solicitor-General and two more able Counsel used to it.  Though he had the right of, his side, and did prevail for what he pretended to against the rest, yet it was with much disadvantage and hazard.  Here, also I heard Mr. Papillion’ make his defence to the King, against some complaints of the Farmers of Excise; but it was so weak, and done only by his own seeking, that it was to his injury more than profit, and made his case the worse, being ill managed, and in a cause against the King.  Thence at noon, the Council rising, I to Unthanke’s, and there by agreement met my wife, and with her to the Cocke, and did give her a dinner, but yet both of us but in an ill humour, whatever was the matter with her, but thence to the King’s playhouse, and saw “The Generous Portugalls,” a play that pleases me better and better every time we see it; and, I thank God! it did not trouble my eyes so much as I was afeard

Project Gutenberg
Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1669 N.S. from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.