Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 66: June/July 1668 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 20 pages of information about Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 66.

Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 66: June/July 1668 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 20 pages of information about Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 66.

13th.  Up, and to my office, and thence by water to White Hall to attend the Council, but did not, and so home to dinner, and so out with my wife, and Deb., and W. Hewer towards Cooper’s, but I ’light and walked to Ducke Lane, and there to the bookseller’s; at the Bible, whose moher je have a mind to, but elle no erat dentro, but I did there look upon and buy some books, and made way for coming again to the man, which pleases me.  Thence to Reeves’s, and there saw some, and bespoke a little perspective, and was mightily pleased with seeing objects in a dark room.  And so to Cooper’s, and spent the afternoon with them; and it will be an excellent picture.  Thence my people all by water to Deptford, to see Balty, while I to buy my espinette,

     [Espinette is the French term for a small harpsichord, at that time
     called in England a spinet.  It was named from a fancied resemblance
     of its quill plectra to spines or thorns.]

which I did now agree for, and did at Haward’s meet with Mr. Thacker, and heard him play on the harpsicon, so as I never heard man before, I think.  So home, it being almost night, and there find in the garden Pelling, who hath brought Tempest, Wallington, and Pelham, to sings and there had most excellent musick late, in the dark, with great pleasure.  Made them drink and eat; and so with much pleasure to bed, but above all with little Wallington.  This morning I was let blood, and did bleed about fourteen ounces, towards curing my eyes.

14th.  Up, and to my office, where sat all the morning.  At noon home to dinner, and thence all the afternoon hard at the office, we meeting about the Victualler’s new contract; and so into the garden, my Lady Pen, Mrs. Turner and her daughter, my wife and I, and there supped in the dark and were merry, and so to bed.  This day Bossc finished his copy of my picture, which I confess I do not admire, though my wife prefers him to Browne; nor do I think it like.  He do it for W. Hewer, who hath my wife’s also, which I like less.  This afternoon my Lady Pickering come to see us:  I busy, saw her not.  But how natural it is for us to slight people out of power, and for people out of power to stoop to see those that while in power they contemned!

15th.  Up, and all the morning busy at the office to my great content, attending to the settling of papers there that I may have the more rest in winter for my eyes by how much I do the more in the settling of all things in the summer by daylight.  At noon home to dinner, where is brought home the espinette I bought the other day of Haward; costs me L5.  So to St. James’s, where did our ordinary business with the Duke of York.  So to Unthanke’s to my wife, and with her and Deb. to visit Mrs. Pierce, whom I do not now so much affect, since she paints.  But stayed here a while, and understood from her how my Lady Duchesse of Monmouth is still lame, and likely always to be so, which is a sad chance for a

Project Gutenberg
Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 66: June/July 1668 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.