Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1664 N.S. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 356 pages of information about Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1664 N.S..

Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1664 N.S. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 356 pages of information about Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1664 N.S..
businesses, which I fear will be in a bad condition for his family if my Lord should miscarry at sea.  He gone, I late to my office, and cannot forbear admiring and consulting my new rule, and so home to supper and to bed.  This day, for a wager before the King, my Lords of Castlehaven and Arran (a son of my Lord of Ormond’s), they two alone did run down and kill a stoute bucke in St. James’s parke.

12th.  Up, and all the morning busy at the office with Sir W. Warren about a great contract for New England masts, where I was very hard with him, even to the making him angry, but I thought it fit to do it as well as just for my owne [and] the King’s behalf.  At noon to the ’Change a little, and so to dinner and then out by coach, setting my wife and mayde down, going to Stevens the silversmith to change some old silver lace and to go buy new silke lace for a petticoat; I to White Hall and did much business at a Tangier Committee; where, among other things, speaking about propriety of the houses there, and how we ought to let the Portugeses I have right done them, as many of them as continue, or did sell the houses while they were in possession, and something further in their favour, the Duke in an anger I never observed in him before, did cry, says he, “All the world rides us, and I think we shall never ride anybody.”  Thence home, and, though late, yet Pedro being there, he sang a song and parted.  I did give him 5s., but find it burdensome and so will break up the meeting.  At night is brought home our poor Fancy, which to my great grief continues lame still, so that I wish she had not been brought ever home again, for it troubles me to see her.

13th.  Up, and before I went to the office comes my Taylor with a coate I have made to wear within doors, purposely to come no lower than my knees, for by my wearing a gowne within doors comes all my tenderness about my legs.  There comes also Mr. Reeve, with a microscope and scotoscope.

     [An optical instrument used to enable objects to be seen in the
     dark.  The name is derived from the Greek.]

For the first I did give him L5 10s., a great price, but a most curious bauble it is, and he says, as good, nay, the best he knows in England, and he makes the best in the world.  The other he gives me, and is of value; and a curious curiosity it is to look objects in a darke room with.  Mightly pleased with this I to the office, where all the morning.  There offered by Sir W. Pen his coach to go to Epsum and carry my wife, I stept out and bade my wife make her ready, but being not very well and other things advising me to the contrary, I did forbear going, and so Mr. Creed dining with me I got him to give my wife and me a play this afternoon, lending him money to do it, which is a fallacy that I have found now once, to avoyde my vowe with, but never to be more practised I swear, and to the new play, at the Duke’s house, of “Henry the Fifth;” a most noble

Project Gutenberg
Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1664 N.S. from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.