Christopher Columbus and the New World of His Discovery — Volume 7 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 94 pages of information about Christopher Columbus and the New World of His Discovery — Volume 7.

Christopher Columbus and the New World of His Discovery — Volume 7 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 94 pages of information about Christopher Columbus and the New World of His Discovery — Volume 7.
I should nevermore return thither, nor any other of my family:  alleging a thousand disgraceful and discourteous things about me.  All this took place on the second day after his arrival, as I have said, and while I was absent at a distance, without my knowing either of him or of his arrival.
“Some letters of their Highnesses signed in blank, of which he brought a number, he filled up and sent to the Alcalde and to his company with favours and commendations:  to me he never sent either letter or messenger, nor has he done so to this day.  Imagine what any one holding my office would think when one who endeavoured to rob their Highnesses, and who has done so much evil and mischief, is honoured and favoured, while he who maintained it at such risks is degraded.
“When I heard this I thought that this affair would be like that of Hojeda or one of the others, but I restrained myself when I learnt for certain from the friars that their Highnesses had sent him.  I wrote to him that his arrival was welcome, and that I was prepared to go to the Court and had sold all I possessed by auction; and that with respect to the immunities he should not be hasty, for both that matter and the government I would hand over to him immediately as smooth as my palm.  And I wrote to the same effect to the friars, but neither he nor they gave me any answer.  On the contrary, he put himself in a warlike attitude, and compelled all who went there to take an oath to him as Governor; and they told me that it was for twenty years.
“Directly I knew of those immunities, I thought that I would repair such a great error and that he would be pleased, for he gave them without the need or occasion necessary in so vast a matter:  and he gave to vagabond people what would have been excessive for a man who had brought wife and children.  So I announced by word and letters that he could not use his patents because mine were those in force; and I showed them the immunities which John Aguado brought.
“All this was done by me in order to gain time, so that their Highnesses might be informed of the condition of the country, and that they might have an opportunity of issuing fresh commands as to what would best promote their service in that respect.
“It is useless to publish such immunities in the Indies:  to the settlers who have taken up residence it is a pure gain, for the best lands are given to them, and at a low valuation they will be worth two-hundred thousand at the end of the four years when the period of residence is ended, without their digging a spadeful in them.  I would not speak thus if the settlers were married, but there are not six among them all who are not on the look-out to gather what they can and depart speedily.  It would be a good thing if they should go from Castile, and also if it were known who and what they are, and if the country could be settled with honest people.
Project Gutenberg
Christopher Columbus and the New World of His Discovery — Volume 7 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.