the rest of them; no less skilfully than Columbus
has he won through that terrible tempest of February;
and his foolish and dishonest conduct has deprived
him not only of the rewards that he tried to steal,
but of those which would otherwise have been his by
right. He creeps quietly ashore and to his home,
where at any rate we may hope that there is some welcome
for him; takes to his bed, turns his face to the wall;
and dies in a few days. So farewell to Martin
Alonso, who has borne us company thus far. He
did not fail in the great matters of pluck and endurance
and nautical judgment, but only in the small matters
of honesty and decent manly conduct. We will
not weep for Martin Alonso; we will make our farewells
in silence, and leave his deathbed undisturbed by
any more accusations or reproaches.