The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 484 pages of information about The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Complete.

The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 484 pages of information about The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Complete.
his ignorante bouldnes, in medling & controuling in things he knows not what belongs too, as yt some threaten to misscheefe him, others say they will leave ye shipe & goe their way.  But at ye best this cometh of it, yt he maks him selfe a scorne & laughing stock unto them.  As for Mr. Weston, excepte grace doe greatly swaye with him, he will hate us ten times more then ever he loved us, for not confirming ye conditions.  But now, since some pinches have taken them, they begine to reveile ye trueth, and say Mr. Robinson was in ye falte who charged them never to consente to those conditions, nor chuse me into office, but indeede apointed them to chose them they did chose.  But he and they will rue too late, they may now see, & all be ashamed when it is too late, that they were so ignorante, yea, & so inordinate in their courses.  I am sure as they were resolved not to seale those conditions, I was not so resolute at Hamton to have left ye whole bussines, excepte they would seale them, and better ye vioage to have bene broken of then, then to have brought such miserie to our selves, dishonour to God, & detrimente to our loving freinds, as now it is like to doe. 4. or 5. of ye cheefe of them which came from Leyden, came resolved never to goe on those conditions.  And Mr. Martine, he said he never received no money on those conditions, he was not beholden to ye marchants, for a pine [pennie], they were bloudsuckers, & I know not what.  Simple man, he indeed never made any conditions wth the marchants, nor ever spake with them.

But did all that money flie to Hamton, or was it his owne?  Who will goe lay out money so rashly & lavishly as he did, and never know how he comes by it, or on what conditions?  I tould him of ye alteration longe agoe, & he was contente; but now he dominires, & said I had betrayed them into ye hands of slaves; he is not beholden to them, he can set out 2 ships him selfe to a viage.  When, good man?  He hath but 50li. in, & if he should give up his accounts he would not have a penie left him, —­["This was found true afterwards.] W[illiam] B"[radford]]—­as I am persuaded, &c.  Freind, if ever we make a plantation, God works a mirakle; especially considering how scante we shall be of victualls, and most of all ununited amongst our selves, & devoyd of good tutors and regimente.  Violence will break all.  Wher is ye meek & humble spirite of Moyses? & of Nehemiah who reedified ye wals of Jerusalem, and ye state of Israell?  Is not ye sound of Rehoboams braggs daly hear amongst us?  Have not ye philosophers and all wise men observed yt, even in setled comone welths, violente governours bring either them selves, or people, or boath, to ruine; how much more in ye raising of comone wealths, when ye mortar is yet scarce tempered yt should bind ye wales [walls].  If I should write to you of all things which promiscuously forerune our ruine, I should over charge my weake head and greeve your tender hart; only this, I pray

Project Gutenberg
The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.