The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 484 pages of information about The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Complete.

The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 484 pages of information about The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Complete.
refering him to our pastors former reasons, and them to ye censure of ye godly wise.  But our desires are that you will not entangle your selvs and us in any such unreasonable courses as those are, viz. yt the marchants should have ye halfe of mens houses and lands at ye dividente; and that persons should be deprived of ye 2. days in a weeke agreed upon, yea every momente of time for their owne perticuler; by reason wherof we cannot conceive why any should carie servants for their own help and comfort; for that we can require no more of them than all men one of another.  This we have only by relation from Mr. Nash, & not from any writing of your owne, & therfore hope you have not proceeded farr in so great a thing without us.  But requiring you not to exseed the bounds of your comission, which was to proceed upon ye things or conditions agred upon and expressed in writing (at your going over it), we leave it, not without marveling, that your selfe, as you write, knowing how smale a thing troubleth our consultations, and how few, as you fear, understands the busnes aright, should trouble us with such matters as these are, &c.  Salute Mr. Weston from us, in whom we hope we are not deceived; we pray you make known our estate unto him, and if you thinke good shew him our letters, at least tell him (yt under God) we much relie upon him & put our confidence in him; and, as your selves well know, that if he had not been an adventurer with us, we had not taken it in hand; presuming that if he had not seene means to accomplish it, he would not have begune it; so we hope in our extremitie he will so farr help us as our expectation be no way made frustrate concerning him.  Since therfor, good brethren, we have plainly opened ye state of things with us in this matter, you will, &c.  Thus beseeching ye Allmightie, who is allsufficiente to raise us out of this depth of difficulties, to assiste us herin; raising such means by his providence and fatherly care for us, his pore children & servants, as we may with comforte behould ye hand of our God for good towards us in this our bussines, which we undertake in his name & fear, we take leave & remaine
                              Your perplexed, yet hopful
June 10, New Stille Ano:  1620.  Samuel Fuller, Edward Winslow,
            William Bradford, Isaac Allerton.

the letter of Robert Cushman (at London), to
John Carver (at Southampton)

Saturday, June 10/20, 1620.

To his loving freind Mr. John Carver, these, &c.

Project Gutenberg
The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.