Atlantis : the antediluvian world eBook

Ignatius Donnelly
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 497 pages of information about Atlantis .

Atlantis : the antediluvian world eBook

Ignatius Donnelly
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 497 pages of information about Atlantis .

We have thus traced back the forms of eighteen of the ancient letters to the Maya alphabet.  In some cases the pedigree, is so plain as to be indisputable.

For instance, take the h: 

Maya, ### ; old Greek, ### ; old Hebrew, ### ; Phoenician, ### .

Or take the letter o: 

Maya, ### ; old Greek, ### ; old Hebrew, ### ; Phoenician, ### .

Or take the letter t: 

Maya, ### ; old Greek, ### ; old Phoenician, ### and ### .

Or take the letter q: 

Maya, ### ; old Phoenician, ### and ### ; Greek, ### .

Or take the letter k: 

Maya, ### ; Egyptian, ### ; Ethiopian, ### ; Phoenician, ### .

Or take the letter n: 

Maya, ### ; Egyptian, ### ; Pelasgian ### , Arcadian, ### ; Phoenician, ### .

Surely all this cannot be accident!

But we find another singular proof of the truth of this theory:  It will be seen that the Maya alphabet lacks the letter d and the letter r.  The Mexican alphabet possessed a d.  The sounds d and t were probably indicated in the Maya tongue by the same sign, called t in the Landa alphabet.  The Finns and Lapps do not distinguish between these two sounds.  In the oldest known form of the Phoenician alphabet, that found on the Moab stone, we find in the same way but one sign to express the d and t.  D does not occur on the Etruscan monuments, t being used in its place.  It would, therefore, appear that after the Maya alphabet passed to the Phoenicians they added two new signs for the letters d and r; and it is a singular fact that their poverty of invention seems to have been such that they used to express both d and r, the same sign, with very little modification, which they had already obtained from the Maya alphabet as the symbol for b.  To illustrate this we place the signs side by side: 


It thus appears that the very signs d and r, in the Phoenician, early Greek, and ancient Hebrew, which are lacking in the Maya, were supplied by imitating the Maya sign for b; and it is a curious fact that while the Phoenician legends claim that Taaut invented the art of writing, yet they tell us that Taaut made records, and “delivered them to his successors and to foreigners, of whom one was Isiris (Osiris, the Egyptian god), the inventor of the three letters.”  Did these three letters include the d and r, which they did not receive from the Atlantean alphabet, as represented to us by the Maya alphabet?

In the alphabetical table which we herewith append we have represented the sign V, or vau, or f, by the Maya sign for U.  “In the present so-called Hebrew, as in the Syriac, Sabaeic, Palmyrenic, and some other kindred writings, the vau takes the place of F, and indicates the sounds of v and u.  F occurs in the same place also on the Idalian tablet of Cyprus, in Lycian, also in Tuarik (Berber), and some other writings.”  ("American Cyclopaedia,” art.  F.)

Project Gutenberg
Atlantis : the antediluvian world from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.