The French Immortals Series — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 5,292 pages of information about The French Immortals Series — Complete.

The French Immortals Series — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 5,292 pages of information about The French Immortals Series — Complete.

“My friend,” said the latter, “as you are here you can do me a great favor.  A telegram calls me suddenly to Melun—­I must go on the instant.  The ladies will be so lonely, pray stay and dine with them!  I can’t tell what the deuce ails my wife.  She has been weeping all day over her tapestry; my mother-in-law has a headache.  Your presence will cheer them.  So stay, I beg you.”

Camors refused, hesitated, made objections, and consented.  He sent back his horse, and his friend presented him to the ladies, whom the presence of the unexpected guest seemed to cheer a little.  Lescande stepped into his carriage and departed, after receiving from his wife an embrace more fervent than usual.

The dinner was gay.  In the atmosphere was that subtle suggestion of coming danger of which both Camors and Madame Lescande felt the exhilarating influence.  Their excitement, as yet innocent, employed itself in those lively sallies—­those brilliant combats at the barriers—­that ever precede the more serious conflict.  About nine o’clock the headache of Madame Mursois—­perhaps owing to the cigar they had allowed Camors—­became more violent.  She declared she could endure it no longer, and must retire to her chamber.  Camors wished to withdraw, but his carriage had not yet arrived and Madame Mursois insisted that he should wait for it.

“Let my daughter amuse you with a little music until then,” she added.

Left alone with her guest, the younger lady seemed embarrassed.  “What shall I play for you?” she asked, in a constrained voice, taking her seat at the piano.

“Oh! anything—­play a waltz,” answered Camors, absently.

The waltz finished, an awkward silence ensued.  To break it she arose hesitatingly; then clasping her hands together exclaimed, “It seems to me there is a storm.  Do you not think so?” She approached the window, opened it, and stepped out on the balcony.  In a second Camors was at her side.

The night was beautifully clear.  Before them stretched the sombre shadow of the wood, while nearer trembling rays of moonlight slept upon the lawn.

How still all was!  Their trembling hands met and for a moment did not separate.

“Juliette!” whispered the young man, in a low, broken voice.  She shuddered, repelled the arm that Camors passed round her, and hastily reentered the room.

“Leave me, I pray you!” she cried, with an impetuous gesture of her hand, as she sank upon the sofa, and buried her face in her hands.

Of course Camors did not obey.  He seated himself by her.

In a little while Juliette awoke from her trance; but she awoke a lost woman!

How bitter was that awakening!  She measured at a first glance the depth of the awful abyss into which she had suddenly plunged.  Her husband, her mother, her infant, whirled like spectres in the mad chaos of her brain.

Sensible of the anguish of an irreparable wrong, she rose, passed her hand vacantly across her brow, and muttering, “Oh, God! oh, God!” peered vainly into the dark for light—­hope—­refuge!  There was none!

Project Gutenberg
The French Immortals Series — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.