The French Immortals Series — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 5,292 pages of information about The French Immortals Series — Complete.

The French Immortals Series — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 5,292 pages of information about The French Immortals Series — Complete.

“Yes,” said Miss Bell; “but it was said that his head was hard, and that celestial truths, could not penetrate his thick cranium.  He was harsh and avaricious, and quite embedded in material interests.  He thought only of buying houses.”

Professor Arrighi defended Pietro Vanucci of Perugia.

“He was,” he said, “an honest man.  And the prior of the Gesuati of Florence was wrong to mistrust him.  That monk practised the art of manufacturing ultramarine blue by crushing stones of burned lapis-lazuli.  Ultramarine was then worth its weight in gold; and the prior, who doubtless had a secret, esteemed it more precious than rubies or sapphires.  He asked Pietro Vanucci to decorate the two cloisters of his convent, and he expected marvels, less from the skilfulness of the master than from the beauty of that ultramarine in the skies.  During all the time that the painter worked in the cloisters at the history of Jesus Christ, the prior kept by his side and presented to him the precious powder in a bag which he never quitted.  Pietro took from it, under the saintly man’s eyes, the quantity he needed, and dipped his brush, loaded with color, in a cupful of water, before rubbing the wall with it.  He used in that manner a great quantity of the powder.  And the good father, seeing his bag getting thinner, sighed:  ’Jesus!  How that lime devours the ultramarine!’ When the frescoes were finished, and Perugino had received from the monk the agreed price, he placed in his hand a package of blue powder:  ’This is for you, father.  Your ultramarine which I took with my brush fell to the bottom of my cup, whence I gathered it every day.  I return it to you.  Learn to trust honest people.”

“Oh,” said Therese, “there is nothing extraordinary in the fact that Perugino was avaricious yet honest.  Interested people are not always the least scrupulous.  There are many misers who are honest.”

“Naturally, darling,” said Miss Bell.  “Misers do not wish to owe anything, and prodigal people can bear to have debts.  They do not think of the money they have, and they think less of the money they owe.  I did not say that Pietro Vanucci of Perugia was a man without property.  I said that he had a hard business head and that he bought houses.  I am very glad to hear that he returned the ultramarine to the prior of the Gesuati.”

“Since your Pietro was rich,” said Choulette, “it was his duty to return the ultramarine.  The rich are morally bound to be honest; the poor are not.”

At this moment, Choulette, to whom the waiter was presenting a silver bowl, extended his hands for the perfumed water.  It came from a vase which Miss Bell passed to her guests, in accordance with antique usage, after meals.

“I wash my hands,” he said, “of the evil that Madame Martin does or may do by her speech, or otherwise.”

And he rose, awkwardly, after Miss Bell, who took the arm of Professor Arrighi.

Project Gutenberg
The French Immortals Series — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.