An Attic Philosopher in Paris — Complete eBook

Émile Souvestre
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 169 pages of information about An Attic Philosopher in Paris — Complete.

An Attic Philosopher in Paris — Complete eBook

Émile Souvestre
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 169 pages of information about An Attic Philosopher in Paris — Complete.

The door is half open; I hear low groans; I enter without knocking, and I see the bookbinder by the bedside of his fellow-lodger.  This latter has a violent fever and delirium.  Pierre looks at him perplexed and out of humor.  I learn from him that his comrade was not able to get up in the morning, and that since then he has become worse every hour.

I ask whether they have sent for a doctor.

“Oh, yes, indeed!” replied Pierre, roughly; “one must have money in one’s pocket for that, and this fellow has only debts instead of savings.”

“But you,” said I, rather astonished; “are you not his friend?”

“Friend!” interrupted the bookbinder.  “Yes, as much as the shaft-horse is friend to the leader—­on condition that each will take his share of the draught, and eat his feed by himself.”

“You do not intend, however, to leave him without any help?”

“Bah! he may keep in his bed till to-morrow, as I’m going to the ball.”

“You mean to leave him alone?”

“Well! must I miss a party of pleasure at Courtville—­[A Parisian summer resort.]—­because this fellow is lightheaded?” asked Pierre, sharply.  “I have promised to meet some friends at old Desnoyer’s.  Those who are sick may take their broth; my physic is white wine.”

So saying, he untied a bundle, out of which he took the fancy costume of a waterman, and proceeded to dress himself in it.

In vain I tried to awaken some fellow-feeling for the unfortunate man who lay groaning there close by him; being entirely taken up with the thoughts of his expected pleasure, Pierre would hardly so much as hear me.  At last his coarse selfishness provoked me.  I began reproaching instead of remonstrating with him, and I declared him responsible for the consequences which such a desertion must bring upon the sick man.

At this the bookbinder, who was just going, stopped with an oath, and stamped his foot.  “Am I to spend my Carnival in heating water for footbaths, pray?”

“You must not leave your comrade to die without help!” I replied.

“Let him go to the hospital, then!”

“How can he by himself?”

Pierre seemed to make up his mind.

“Well, I’m going to take him,” resumed he; “besides, I shall get rid of him sooner.  Come, get up, comrade!” He shook his comrade, who had not taken off his clothes.  I observed that he was too weak to walk, but the bookbinder would not listen:  he made him get up, and half dragged, half supported him to the lodge of the porter, who ran for a hackney carriage.  I saw the sick man get into it, almost fainting, with the impatient waterman; and they both set off, one perhaps to die, the other to dine at Courtville Gardens!

Six o’clock.—­I have been to knock at my neighbor’s door, who opened it himself; and I have given him his letter, finished at last, and directed to his son’s widow.  M. Antoine thanked me gratefully, and made me sit down.

Project Gutenberg
An Attic Philosopher in Paris — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.