An Attic Philosopher in Paris — Complete eBook

Émile Souvestre
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 169 pages of information about An Attic Philosopher in Paris — Complete.

An Attic Philosopher in Paris — Complete eBook

Émile Souvestre
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 169 pages of information about An Attic Philosopher in Paris — Complete.
was crying in silence, and one of her neighbors was trying in vain to appease the countrywoman.  Excited by that love of money which the evils of a hard peasant life but too well excuse, and disappointed by the refusal of her expected wages, the nurse was launching forth in recriminations, threats, and abuse.  In spite of myself, I listened to the quarrel, not daring to interfere, and not thinking of going away, when Michael Arout appeared at the shop-door.

The joiner had just come from the Barriers, where he had passed part of the day at a public-house.  His blouse, without a belt, and untied at the throat, showed none of the noble stains of work:  in his hand he held his cap, which he had just picked up out of the mud; his hair was in disorder, his eye fixed, and the pallor of drunkenness in his face.  He came reeling in, looked wildly around him, and called Genevieve.

She heard his voice, gave a start, and rushed into the shop; but at the sight of the miserable man, who was trying in vain to steady himself, she pressed the child in her arms, and bent over it with tears.

The countrywoman and the neighbor had followed her.

“Come! come!” cried the former in a rage, “do you intend to pay me, after all?”

“Ask the master for the money,” ironically answered the woman from the next door, pointing to the joiner, who had just fallen against the counter.

The countrywoman looked at him.

“Ah! he is the father,” returned she.  “Well, what idle beggars! not to have a penny to pay honest people; and get tipsy with wine in that way.”

The drunkard raised his head.

“What! what!” stammered he; “who is it that talks of wine?  I’ve had nothing but brandy!  But I am going back again to get some wine!  Wife, give me your money; there are some friends waiting for me at the ’Pere la Tuille’.”

Genevieve did not answer:  he went round the counter, opened the till, and began to rummage in it.

“You see where the money of the house goes!” observed the neighbor to the countrywoman; “how can the poor unhappy woman pay you when he takes all?”

“Is that my fault?” replied the nurse, angrily.  “They owe to me, and somehow or other they must pay me!”

And letting loose her tongue, as these women out of the country do, she began relating at length all the care she had taken of the child, and all the expense it had been to her.  In proportion as she recalled all she had done, her words seemed to convince her more than ever of her rights, and to increase her anger.  The poor mother, who no doubt feared that her violence would frighten the child, returned into the back shop, and put it into its cradle.

Whether it is that the countrywoman saw in this act a determination to escape her claims, or that she was blinded by passion, I cannot say; but she rushed into the next room, where I heard the sounds of quarrelling, with which the cries of the child were soon mingled.  The joiner, who was still rummaging in the till, was startled, and raised his head.

Project Gutenberg
An Attic Philosopher in Paris — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.