An Attic Philosopher in Paris — Complete eBook

Émile Souvestre
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 169 pages of information about An Attic Philosopher in Paris — Complete.

An Attic Philosopher in Paris — Complete eBook

Émile Souvestre
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 169 pages of information about An Attic Philosopher in Paris — Complete.

One knows him to be a soldier by his regular walk, his gray moustaches, and the ribbon that decorates his buttonhole.  Indeed, one might have guessed as much from the care he takes of the little garden which is the ornament of his balcony in mid-air; for there are two things especially loved by all old soldiers—­flowers and children.  They have been so long, obliged to look upon the earth as a field of battle, and so long cut off from the peaceful pleasures of a quiet lot, that they seem to begin life at an age when others end it.  The tastes of their early years, which were arrested by the stern duties of war, suddenly break out again with their white hairs, and are like the savings of youth which they spend again in old age.  Besides, they have been condemned to be destroyers for so long that perhaps they feel a secret pleasure in creating, and seeing life spring up again:  the beauty of weakness has a grace and an attraction the more for those who have been the agents of unbending force; and the watching over the frail germs of life has all the charms of novelty for these old workmen of death.

Therefore the cold wind has not driven my neighbor from his balcony.  He is digging up the earth in his green boxes, and carefully sowing the seeds of the scarlet nasturtium, convolvulus, and sweet-pea.  Henceforth he will come every day to watch for their first sprouting, to protect the young shoots from weeds or insects, to arrange the strings for the tendrils to climb on, and carefully to regulate their supply of water and heat!

How much labor to bring in the desired harvest!  For that, how many times shall I see him brave cold or heat, wind or sun, as he does to-day!  But then, in the hot summer days, when the blinding dust whirls in clouds through our streets, when the eye, dazzled by the glare of white stucco, knows not where to rest, and the glowing roofs reflect their heat upon us to burning, the old soldier will sit in his arbor and perceive nothing but green leaves and flowers around him, and the breeze will come cool and fresh to him through these perfumed shades.  His assiduous care will be rewarded at last.

We must sow the seeds, and tend the growth, if we would enjoy the flower.

Four o’clock.—­The clouds that have been gathering in the horizon for a long time are become darker; it thunders loudly, and the rain pours down!  Those who are caught in it fly in every direction, some laughing and some crying.

I always find particular amusement in these helter-skelters, caused by a sudden storm.  It seems as if each one, when thus taken by surprise, loses the factitious character that the world or habit has given him, and appears in his true colors.

See, for example, that big man with deliberate step, who suddenly forgets his indifference, made to order, and runs like a schoolboy!  He is a thrifty city gentleman, who, with all his fashionable airs, is afraid to spoil his hat.

Project Gutenberg
An Attic Philosopher in Paris — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.