A Woodland Queen — Complete eBook

André Theuriet
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about A Woodland Queen — Complete.

A Woodland Queen — Complete eBook

André Theuriet
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about A Woodland Queen — Complete.

This girl, a native of Aprey, named Manette Sejournant, was not, strictly speaking, a beauty, but she had magnificent blonde hair, gray, caressing eyes, and a silvery, musical voice.  Well built, supple as an adder, modest and prudish in mien, she knew how to wait upon and cosset her master, accustoming him by imperceptible degrees to prefer the cuisine of the chateau to that of the wine-shops.  After a while, by dint of making her merits appreciated, and her presence continually desired, she became the mistress of Odouart de Buxieres, whom she managed to retain by proving herself immeasurably superior, both in culinary skill and in sentiment, to the class of females from whom he had hitherto been seeking his creature comforts.

Matters went on in this fashion for a year or so, until Manette went on a three months’ vacation.  When she reappeared at the chateau, she brought with her an infant, six weeks old, which she declared was the child of a sister, lately deceased, but which bore a strange likeness to Claude.  However, nobody made remarks, especially as M. de Buxieres, after he had been drinking a little, took no pains to hide his paternity.  He himself held the little fellow at the baptismal font, and later, consigned him to the care of the Abbe Pernot, the curate of Vivey, who prepared the little Claudet for his first communion, at the same time that he instructed him in reading, writing, and the first four rules of arithmetic.  As soon as the lad reached his fifteenth year, Claude put a gun into his hands, and took him hunting with him.  Under the teaching of M. de Buxieres, Claudet did honor to his master, and soon became such an expert that he could give points to all the huntsmen of the canton.  None could equal him in tracing a dog; he knew all the passes, by-paths, and enclosures of the forest; swooped down upon the game with the keen scent and the velocity of a bird of prey, and never was known to miss his mark.  Thus it was that the country people surnamed him the ‘grand chasserot’, the term which we here apply to the sparrow-hawk.  Besides all these advantages, he was handsome, alert, straight, and well made, dark-haired and olive-skinned, like all the Buxieres; he had his mother’s caressing glance, but also the overhanging eyelids and somewhat stern expression of his father, from whom he inherited also a passionate temperament, and a spirit averse to all kinds of restraint.  They were fond of him throughout the country, and M. de Buxieres, who felt his youth renewed in him, was very proud of his adroitness and his good looks.  He would invite him to his pleasure parties, and make him sit at his own table, and confided unhesitatingly all his secrets to him.  In short, Claudet, finding himself quite at home at the chateau, naturally considered himself as one of the family.  There was but one formality wanting to that end:  recognizance according to law.  At certain favorable times, Manette Sejournant would gently urge M. de Buxieres to have the situation legally authorized, to which he would invariably reply, from a natural dislike to taking legal advisers into his confidence: 

Project Gutenberg
A Woodland Queen — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.