A Woodland Queen — Complete eBook

André Theuriet
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about A Woodland Queen — Complete.

A Woodland Queen — Complete eBook

André Theuriet
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about A Woodland Queen — Complete.

Claude de Buxieres had lived all his life at Vivey.  Inheriting from his father and grandfather flourishing health and a robust constitution, he had also from them strong love for his native territory, a passion for the chase, and a horror of the constraint and decorum exacted by worldly obligations.  He was a spoiled child, brought up by a weak-minded mother and a preceptor without authority, who had succeeded in imparting to him only the most elementary amount of instruction, and he had, from a very early age, taken his own pleasure as his sole rule of life.  He lived side by side with peasants and poachers, and had himself become a regular country yeoman, wearing a blouse, dining at the wine-shop, and taking more pleasure in speaking the mountain patois than his own native French.  The untimely death of his father, killed by an awkward huntsman while following the hounds, had emancipated him at the age of twenty years.  From this period he lived his life freely, as he understood it; always in the open air, without hindrance of any sort, and entirely unrestrained.

Nothing was exaggerated in the stories told concerning him.  He was a handsome fellow, jovial and dashing in his ways, and lavish with his money, so he met with few rebuffs.  Married women, maids, widows, any peasant girl of attractive form or feature, all had had to resist his advances, and with more than one the resistance had been very slight.  It was no false report which affirmed that he had peopled the district with his illegitimate progeny.  He was not hard to please, either; strawberry-pickers, shepherd-girls, wood-pilers, day-workers, all were equally charming in his sight; he sought only youth, health, and a kindly disposition.

Marriage would have been the only safeguard for him; but aside from the fact that his reputation of reckless huntsman and general scapegrace naturally kept aloof the daughters of the nobles, and even the Langarian middle classes, he dreaded more than anything else in the world the monotonous regularity of conjugal life.  He did not care to be restricted always to the same dishes—­preferring, as he said, his meat sometimes roast, sometimes boiled, or even fried, according to his humor and his appetite.

Nevertheless, about the time that Claude de Buxieres attained his thirty-sixth year, it was noticed that he had a more settled air, and that his habits were becoming more sedentary.  The chase was still his favorite pastime, but he frequented less places of questionable repute, seldom slept away from home, and seemed to take greater pleasure in remaining under his own roof.  The cause of this change was ascribed by some to the advance of years creeping over him; others, more perspicacious, verified a curious coincidence between the entrance of a new servant in the chateau and the sudden good behavior of Claude.

Project Gutenberg
A Woodland Queen — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.