Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 958 pages of information about Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Complete.

Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 958 pages of information about Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Complete.

Though it is very difficult to break up housekeeping without confusion, and the loss of some property; yet such was the fidelity of the domestics, and the vigilance of M. and Madam Lorenzy, that no article of the inventory was found wanting; in short, nothing was missing but a pink and silver ribbon, which had been worn, and belonged to Mademoiselle Pontal.  Though several things of more value were in my reach, this ribbon alone tempted me, and accordingly I stole it.  As I took no great pains to conceal the bauble, it was soon discovered; they immediately insisted on knowing from whence I had taken it; this perplexed me—­I hesitated, and at length said, with confusion, that Marion gave it me.

Marion was a young Mauriennese, and had been cook to Madam de Vercellis ever since she left off giving entertainments, for being sensible she had more need of good broths than fine ragouts, she had discharged her former one.  Marion was not only pretty, but had that freshness of color only to be found among the mountains, and, above all, an air of modesty and sweetness, which made it impossible to see her without affection; she was besides a good girl, virtuous, and of such strict fidelity, that everyone was surprised at hearing her named.  They had not less confidence in me, and judged it necessary to certify which of us was the thief.  Marion was sent for; a great number of people were present, among whom was the Count de la Roque:  she arrives; they show her the ribbon; I accuse her boldly:  she remains confused and speechless, casting a look on me that would have disarmed a demon, but which my barbarous heart resisted.  At length, she denied it with firmness, but without anger, exhorting me to return to myself, and not injure an innocent girl who had never wronged me.  With infernal impudence, I confirmed my accusation, and to her face maintained she had given me the ribbon:  on which, the poor girl, bursting into tears, said these words—­“Ah, Rousseau!  I thought you a good disposition—­you render me very unhappy, but I would not be in your situation.”  She continued to defend herself with as much innocence as firmness, but without uttering the least invective against me.  Her moderation, compared to my positive tone, did her an injury; as it did not appear natural to suppose, on one side such diabolical assurance; on the other, such angelic mildness.  The affair could not be absolutely decided, but the presumption was in my favor; and the Count de la Roque, in sending us both away, contented himself with saying, “The conscience of the guilty would revenge the innocent.”  His prediction was true, and is being daily verified.

Project Gutenberg
Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.