Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Volume 09 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Volume 09.

Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Volume 09 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Volume 09.

A weak girl is an object of pity, whom love may render interesting, and who frequently is not therefore the less amiable; but who can see without indignation the manners of the age; and what is more disgusting than the pride of an unchaste wife, who, openly treading under foot every duty, pretends that her husband ought to be grateful for her unwillingness to suffer herself to be taken in the fact?  Perfect beings are not in nature, and their examples are not near enough to us.  But whoever says that the description of a young person born with good dispositions, and a heart equally tender and virtuous, who suffers herself, when a girl, to be overcome by love, and when a woman, has resolution enough to conquer in her turn, is upon the whole scandalous and useless, is a liar and a hypocrite; hearken not to him.

Besides this object of morality and conjugal chastity which is radically connected with all social order, I had in view one more secret in behalf of concord and public peace, a greater, and perhaps more important object in itself, at least for the moment for which it was created.  The storm brought on by the ‘Encyclopedie’, far from being appeased, was at the time at its height.  Two parties exasperated against each other to the last degree of fury soon resembled enraged wolves, set on for their mutual destruction, rather than Christians and philosophers, who had a reciprocal wish to enlighten and convince each other, and lead their brethren to the way of truth.  Perhaps nothing more was wanting to each party than a few turbulent chiefs, who possessed a little power, to make this quarrel terminate in a civil war; and God only knows what a civil war of religion founded on each side upon the most cruel intolerance would have produced.  Naturally an enemy to all spirit of party, I had freely spoken severe truths to each, of which they had not listened.  I thought of another expedient, which, in my simplicity, appeared to me admirable:  this was to abate their reciprocal hatred by destroying their prejudices, and showing to each party the virtue and merit which in the other was worthy of public esteem and respect.  This project, little remarkable for its wisdom, which supported sincerity in mankind, and whereby I fell into the error with which I reproached the Abbe de Saint Pierre, had the success that was to be expected from it:  It drew together and united the parties for no other purpose than that of crushing the author.  Until experience made me discover my folly, I gave my attention to it with a zeal worthy of the motive by which I was inspired; and I imagined the two characters of Wolmar and Julia in an ecstasy, which made me hope to render them both amiable, and, what is still more, by means of each other.

Project Gutenberg
Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Volume 09 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.