Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Volume 09 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Volume 09.

Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Volume 09 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Volume 09.
I took the advantage of the intervals of her absence, or when the company with her was numerous, to enjoy my solitude with my good Theresa and her mother, in such a manner as to taste all its charms.  Although I had for several years passed been frequently in the country, I seldom had enjoyed much of its pleasures; and these excursions, always made in company with people who considered themselves as persons of consequence, and rendered insipid by constraint, served to increase in me the natural desire I had for rustic pleasures.  The want of these was the more sensible to me as I had the image of them immediately before my eyes.  I was so tired of saloons, jets d’eau, groves, parterres, and of more fatiguing persons by whom they were shown; so exhausted with pamphlets, harpsichords, trios, unravellings of plots, stupid bon mots, insipid affections, pitiful storytellers, and great suppers; that when I gave a side glance at a poor simple hawthorn bush, a hedge, a barn, or a meadow; when, in passing through a hamlet, I scented a good chervil omelette, and heard at a distance the burden of a rustic song of the Bisquieres; I wished all rouge, furbelows and amber at the d—–­l, and envying the dinner of the good housewife, and the wine of her own vineyard, I heartily wished to give a slap on the chaps to Monsieur le Chef and Monsieur le Maitre, who made me dine at the hour of supper, and sup when I should have been asleep, but especially to Messieurs the lackeys, who devoured with their eyes the morsel I put into my mouth, and upon pain of my dying with thirst, sold me the adulterated wine of their master, ten times dearer than that of a better quality would have cost me at a public house.

At length I was settled in an agreeable and solitary asylum, at liberty to pass there the remainder of my days, in that peaceful, equal, and independent life for which I felt myself born.  Before I relate the effects this situation, so new to me, had upon my heart, it is proper I should recapitulate its secret affections, that the reader may better follow in their causes the progress of these new modifications.

I have always considered the day on which I was united to Theresa as that which fixed my moral existence.  An attachment was necessary for me, since that which should have been sufficient to my heart had been so cruelly broken.  The thirst after happiness is never extinguished in the heart of man.  Mamma was advancing into years, and dishonored herself!  I had proofs that she could never more be happy here below; it therefore remained to me to seek my own happiness, having lost all hopes of partaking of hers.  I was sometimes irresolute, and fluctuated from one idea to another, and from project to project.  My journey to Venice would have thrown me into public life, had the man with whom, almost against my inclination, I was connected there had common sense.  I was easily discouraged, especially in undertakings of length and difficulty.  The ill success of this disgusted me with every other; and, according to my old maxims, considering distant objects as deceitful allurements, I resolved in future to provide for immediate wants, seeing nothing in life which could tempt me to make extraordinary efforts.

Project Gutenberg
Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Volume 09 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.