Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Volume 05 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 71 pages of information about Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Volume 05.

Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Volume 05 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 71 pages of information about Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Volume 05.
appear to correspond with her manner; but she was indolent, and could not generally take pains to show her wit, that being a favor she did not grant to every one.  After a month or two of negligent attendance, this was an expedient she devised to make me more assiduous, for I could not easily persuade myself to be so.  When with my scholars, I was fond enough of teaching, but could not bear the idea of being obliged to attend at a particular hour; constraint and subjection in every shape are to me insupportable, and alone sufficient to make me hate even pleasure itself.

I had some scholars likewise among the tradespeople, and, among others, one who was the indirect cause of a change of relationship, which (as I have promised to declare all) I must relate in its place.  She was the daughter of a grocer, and was called Mademoiselle de Larnage, a perfect model for a Grecian statue, and whom I should quote for the handsomest girl I have ever seen, if true beauty could exist without life or soul.  Her indolence, reserve, and insensibility were inconceivable; it was equally impossible to please or make her angry, and I am convinced that had any one formed a design upon her virtue, he might have succeeded, not through her inclination, but from her stupidity.  Her mother, who would run no risk of this, did not leave her a single moment.  In having her taught to sing and providing a young master, she had hoped to enliven her, but it all proved ineffectual.  While the master was admiring the daughter, the mother was admiring the master, but this was equally lost labor.  Madam de Larnage added to her natural vivacity that portion of sprightliness which should have belonged to the daughter.  She was a little, ugly, lively trollop, with small twinkling ferret eyes, and marked with smallpox.  On my arrival in the morning, I always found my coffee and cream ready, and the mother never failed to welcome me with a kiss on the lips, which I would willingly have returned the daughter, to see how she would have received it.  All this was done with such an air of carelessness and simplicity, that even when M. de Larnage was present; her kisses and caresses were not omitted.  He was a good quiet fellow, the true original of his daughter; nor did his wife endeavor to deceive him, because there was absolutely no occasion for it.

I received all these caresses with my usual stupidity, taking them only for marks of pure friendship, though they were sometimes troublesome; for the lively Madam Lard was displeased, if, during the day, I passed the shop without calling; it became necessary, therefore (when I had no time to spare), to go out of my way through another street, well knowing it was not so easy to quit her house as to enter it.

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Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Volume 05 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.