Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Volume 02 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 59 pages of information about Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Volume 02.

Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Volume 02 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 59 pages of information about Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Volume 02.

A little old priest, but tolerably venerable, held the first conference; at which we were all convened.  On the part of my comrades, it was rather a catechism than a controversy, and he found more pains in giving them instruction than answering their objections; but when it came to my turn, it was a different matter; I stopped him at every article, and did not spare a single remark that I thought would create a difficulty:  this rendered the conference long and extremely tiresome to the assistants.  My old priest talked a great deal, was very warm, frequently rambled from the subject, and extricated himself from difficulties by saying he was not sufficiently versed in the French language.

The next day, lest my indiscreet objections should injure the minds of those who were better disposed, I was led into a separate chamber and put under the care of a younger priest, a fine speaker; that is, one who was fond of long perplexed sentences, and proud of his own abilities, if ever doctor was.  I did not, however, suffer myself to be intimidated by his overbearing looks:  and being sensible that I could maintain my ground, I combated his assertions, exposed his mistakes, and laid about me in the best manner I was able.  He thought to silence me at once with St. Augustine, St. Gregory, and the rest of the fathers, but found, to his ineffable surprise, that I could handle these almost as dexterously as himself; not that I had ever read them, or he either, perhaps, but I retained a number of passages taken from my Le Sueur, and when he bore hard on me with one citation, without standing to dispute, I parried it with another, which method embarrassed him extremely.  At length, however, he got the better of me for two very potent reasons; in the first place, he was of the strongest side; young as I was, I thought it might be dangerous to drive him to extremities, for I plainly saw the old priest was neither satisfied with me nor my erudition.  In the next place, he had studied, I had not; this gave a degree of method to his arguments which I could not follow; and whenever he found himself pressed by an unforeseen objection he put it off to the next conference, pretending I rambled from the question in dispute.  Sometimes he even rejected all my quotations, maintaining they were false, and, offering to fetch the book, defied me to find them.  He knew he ran very little risk, and that, with all my borrowed learning, I was not sufficiently accustomed to books, and too poor a Latinist to find a passage in a large volume, had I been ever so well assured it was there.  I even suspected him of having been guilty of a perfidy with which he accused our ministers, and that he fabricated passages sometimes in order to evade an objection that incommoded him.

Meanwhile the hospital became every day more disagreeable to me, and seeing but one way to get out of it, I endeavored to hasten my abjuration with as much eagerness as I had hitherto sought to retard it.

Project Gutenberg
Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the — Volume 02 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.