Marie Antoinette — Complete eBook

Jeanne-Louise-Henriette Campan
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 574 pages of information about Marie Antoinette — Complete.

Marie Antoinette — Complete eBook

Jeanne-Louise-Henriette Campan
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 574 pages of information about Marie Antoinette — Complete.
by four municipal officers and the commander of a legion of the National Guard.  As there were a number of workmen in the Temple employed in pulling down houses and building new walls, they only allowed a part of the chestnut-tree walk for the promenade, in which I was allowed to share, and where I also played with the young Prince at ball, quoits, or races.  At two we returned to the Tower, where I served the dinner, at which time Santerre regularly came to the Temple, attended by two aides-de-camp.  The King sometimes spoke to him,—­the Queen never.

“After the meal the royal family came down into the Queen’s room, and their Majesties generally played a game of piquet or tric-trac.  At four o’clock the King took a little repose, the Princesses round him, each with a book . . . .  When the King woke the conversation was resumed, and I gave writing lessons to his son, taking the copies, according to his instructions, from the works of, Montesquieu and other celebrated authors.  After the lesson I took the young Prince into Madame Elisabeth’s room, where we played at ball, and battledore and shuttlecock.  In the evening the family sat round a table, while the Queen read to them from books of history, or other works proper to instruct and amuse the children.  Madame Elisabeth took the book in her turn, and in this manner they read till eight o’clock.  After that I served the supper of the young Prince, in which the royal family shared, and the King amused the children with charades out of a collection of French papers which he found in the library.  After the Dauphin had supped, I undressed him, and the Queen heard him say his prayers.  At nine the King went to supper, and afterwards went for a moment to the Queen’s chamber, shook hands with her and his sister for the night, kissed his children, and then retired to the turret-room, where he sat reading till midnight.  The Queen and the Princesses locked themselves in, and one of the municipal officers remained in the little room which parted their chamber, where he passed the night; the other followed his Majesty.  In this manner was the time passed as long as the King remained in the small tower.”

But even these harmless pursuits were too often made the means of further insulting and thwarting the unfortunate family.  Commissary Le Clerc interrupted the Prince’s writing lessons, proposing to substitute Republican works for those from which the King selected his copies.  A smith, who was present when the Queen was reading the history of France to her children, denounced her to the Commune for choosing the period when the Connstable de Bourbon took arms against France, and said she wished to inspire her son with unpatriotic feelings; a municipal officer asserted that the multiplication table the Prince was studying would afford a means of “speaking in cipher,” so arithmetic had to be abandoned.  Much the same occurred even with the needlework, the Queen and Princess finished

Project Gutenberg
Marie Antoinette — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.