Marie Antoinette — Complete eBook

Jeanne-Louise-Henriette Campan
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 574 pages of information about Marie Antoinette — Complete.

Marie Antoinette — Complete eBook

Jeanne-Louise-Henriette Campan
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 574 pages of information about Marie Antoinette — Complete.

Nothing worthy of notice occurred in the beginning of the journey.  The travellers were detained a short time, about twelve leagues from Paris, by some repairs which the carriage required.  The King chose to walk up one of the hills, and these two circumstances caused a delay of three hours, precisely at the time when it was intended that the berlin should have been met, just before reaching Varennes, by the detachment commanded by M. de Goguelat.  This detachment was punctually stationed upon the spot fixed on, with orders to wait there for the arrival of certain treasure, which it was to escort; but the peasantry of the neighbourhood, alarmed at the sight of this body of troops, came armed with staves, and asked several questions, which manifested their anxiety.  M. de Goguelat, fearful of causing a riot, and not finding the carriage arrive as he expected, divided his men into two companies, and unfortunately made them leave the highway in order to return to Varennes by two cross roads.  The King looked out of the carriage at Ste. Menehould, and asked several questions concerning the road.  Drouet, the post-master, struck by the resemblance of Louis to the impression of his head upon the assignats, drew near the carriage, felt convinced that he recognised the Queen also, and that the remainder of the travellers consisted of the royal family and their suite, mounted his horse, reached Varennes by cross roads before the royal fugitives, and gave the alarm.—­[Varennes lies between Verdun and Montmedy, and not far from the French frontier.]

The Queen began to feel all the agonies of terror; they were augmented by the voice of a person unknown, who, passing close to the carriage in full gallop, cried out, bending towards the window without slackening his speed, “You are recognised!” They arrived with beating hearts at the gates of Varennes without meeting one of the horsemen by whom they were to have been escorted into the place.  They were ignorant where to find their relays, and some minutes were lost in waiting, to no purpose.  The cabriolet had preceded them, and the two ladies in attendance found the bridge already blocked up with old carts and lumber.  The town guards were all under arms.  The King at last entered Varennes.  M. de Goguelat had arrived there with his detachment.  He came up to the King and asked him if he chose to effect a passage by force!  What an unlucky question to put to Louis XVI., who from the very beginning of the Revolution had shown in every crisis the fear he entertained of giving the least order which might cause an effusion of blood!  “Would it be a brisk action?” said the King.  “It is impossible that it should be otherwise, Sire,” replied the aide-decamp.  Louis XVI. was unwilling to expose his family.  They therefore went to the house of a grocer, Mayor of Varennes.  The King began to speak, and gave a summary of his intentions in departing, analogous to the declaration he had

Project Gutenberg
Marie Antoinette — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.