Marie Antoinette — Volume 04 eBook

Jeanne-Louise-Henriette Campan
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 74 pages of information about Marie Antoinette — Volume 04.

Marie Antoinette — Volume 04 eBook

Jeanne-Louise-Henriette Campan
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 74 pages of information about Marie Antoinette — Volume 04.
at seven years of age, and send her immediately to the Court in which she was to dwell; and that at twelve would be too late; for recollections and comparisons would ruin the happiness of all the rest of her life.  The Queen looked upon the destiny of her sisters as far beneath her own; and frequently mentioned the mortifications inflicted by the Court of Spain upon her sister, the Queen of Naples, and the necessity she was under of imploring the mediation of the King of France.

She showed me several letters that she had received from the Queen of Naples relative to her differences with the Court of Madrid respecting the Minister Acton.  She thought him useful to her people, inasmuch as he was a man of considerable information and great activity.  In these letters she minutely acquainted her Majesty with the nature of the affronts she had received, and represented Mr. Acton to her as a man whom malevolence itself could not suppose capable of interesting her otherwise than by his services.  She had had to suffer the impertinences of a Spaniard named Las Casas, who had been sent to her by the King, her father-in-law, to persuade her to dismiss Mr. Acton from the business of the State, and from her intimacy.  She complained bitterly to the Queen, her sister, of the insulting proceedings of this charge d’affaires, whom she told, in order to convince him of the nature of the feelings which attached her to Mr. Acton, that she would have portraits and busts of him executed by the most eminent artists of Italy, and that she would then send them to the King of Spain, to prove that nothing but the desire to retain a man of superior capacity had induced her to bestow on him the favour he enjoyed.  This Las Casas dared to answer her that it would be useless trouble; that the ugliness of a man did not always render him displeasing; and that the King of Spain had too much experience not to know that there was no accounting for the caprices of a woman.

This audacious reply filled the Queen of Naples with indignation, and her emotion caused her to miscarry on the same day.  In consequence of the mediation of Louis XVI. the Queen of Naples obtained complete satisfaction, and Mr. Acton continued Prime Minister.

Among the characteristics which denoted the goodness of the Queen, her respect for personal liberty should have a place.  I have seen her put up with the most troublesome importunities from people whose minds were deranged rather than have them arrested.  Her patient kindness was put to a very disagreeable trial by an ex-councillor of the Bordeaux Parliament, named Castelnaux; this man declared himself the lover of the Queen, and was generally known by that appellation.  For ten successive years did he follow the Court in all its excursions.  Pale and wan, as people who are out of their senses usually are, his sinister appearance occasioned the most uncomfortable sensations.  During the two hours that the Queen’s public

Project Gutenberg
Marie Antoinette — Volume 04 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.