Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Volume 12 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 109 pages of information about Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Volume 12.

Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Volume 12 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 109 pages of information about Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Volume 12.

I exhorted the Regent to take as much repose as he could, so that he might be fully able to execute the great work of the morrow, the safety of the Regency itself being at stake.  After this I felt his pulse again, not without fear.  I assured him, however, his illness would be nothing; without, it is true, being too sure of it myself.  I took my leave about ten o’clock, and went out of the room with Millain.  When I found myself alone with him in the cabinet, through which we passed, I embraced him with an extreme pleasure.  We had entered by the backstairs; we descended by the same, so as not to be observed.  It was dark, so that on both occasions we were obliged to grope our way.  Upon arriving at the bottom I could not refrain from again embracing Millain, so great was my pleasure, and we separated each to his home.

The arrangements respecting the troops and for summoning the Parliament, etc., were all carried out to the letter during the night and early morning.  At the hours agreed upon M. le Duc d’Orleans gave the various orders.  About four o’clock in the morning the Duc du Maine, as colonel-general of the Swiss guards, was aroused.  He had not been in bed above an hour, having just returned from a fete given at the arsenal by Madame du Maine.  He was doubtless much astonished, but contained himself, hid his fear, and sent at once to instruct his companies of Swiss guards of the orders they were to execute.  I don’t think he slept very well after this, uncertain as he must have been what was going to happen.  But I never knew what he or Madame du Maine did after being thus rudely disturbed.

Towards five o’clock in the morning drums began to be heard throughout the town, and soon soldiers were seen in movement.  At six o’clock a message was sent to the Parliament requesting it to attend at the Tuileries.  The reply was that the request should be obeyed.  The members thereupon debated whether they should go to the Tuileries in coaches or on foot.  The last mode was adopted as being the most ordinary, and in the hope of stirring the people and arriving at the Tuileries with a yelling crowd.  What happened will be related in its place.

At the same time, horsemen went to all the Peers and officers of the Crown, and to all the chevaliers of the order, the governors and lieutenant-governors of the provinces (who were to accompany the King), informing them of the Bed of Justice.  The Comte de Toulouse had been to supper at the house of M. de Nevers, near Saint-Denis, and did not return until late into the night.  The French and Swiss guards were under arms in various quarters; the watch, the light horse, and the two companies of musketeers all ready in their barracks; the usual guard at the Tuileries.

If I had slept but little during the last eight days, I slept still less that night, so near to the most considerable events.  I rose before six o’clock, and shortly after received my summons to the Bed of justice, on the back of which was a note that I was not to be awakened, a piece of politeness due to the knowledge of the bearer, who was aware that this summons would teach me nothing I did not know.  All the others had been awakened, surprised thereby to an extent that may be imagined.

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Volume 12 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.