Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Volume 09 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 114 pages of information about Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Volume 09.

Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Volume 09 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 114 pages of information about Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Volume 09.

Nevertheless it was towards the King’s supper hour when I arrived.  I went straight to the salon, and found it very dejected.  People looked, but scarcely dared to approach each other; at the most, a sign or a whisper in the ear, as the courtiers brushed by one another, was ventured out.  I saw the King sit down to table; he seemed to me more haughty than usual, and continually looked all around.  The news had only been known one hour; everybody was still congealed and upon his guard.

As soon as the King was seated (he had looked very hard at me in passing) I went straight to M. du Maine’s.  Although the hour was unusual, the doors fell before me; I saw a man, who received me with joyful surprise, and who, as it were, moved through the air towards me, all lame that he was.  I said that I came to offer him a sincere compliment, that we (the Dukes) claimed no precedence over the Princes of the blood; but what we claimed was, that there should be nobody between the Princes of the blood and us; that as this intermediary rank no longer existed, we had nothing more to say, but to rejoice that we had no longer to support what was insupportable.  The joy of M. du Maine burst forth at my compliments, and he startled me with a politeness inspired by the transport of triumph.

But if he was delighted at the declaration of the King, it was far otherwise with the world.  Foreign dukes and princes fumed, but uselessly.  The Court uttered dull murmurs more than could have been expected.  Paris and the provinces broke out; the Parliament did not keep silent.  Madame de Maintenon, delighted with her work, received the adoration of her familiars.

As for me, I will content myself with but few reflections upon this most monstrous, astounding, and frightful determination of the King.  I will simply say, that it is impossible not to see in it an attack upon the Crown; contempt for the entire nation, whose rights are trodden under foot by it; insult to all the Princes of the blood; in fact the crime of high treason in its most rash and most criminal extent.  Yes! however venerable God may have rendered in the eyes of men the majesty of Kings and their sacred persons, which are his anointed; however execrable may be the crime known as high treason, of attempting their lives; however terrible and singular may be the punishments justly invented to prevent that crime, and to remove by their horror the most infamous from the infernal resolution of committing it, we cannot help finding in the crime in question a plenitude not in the other, however abominable it may be:  Yes! to overthrow the most holy laws, that have existed ever since the establishment of monarchy; to extinguish a right the most sacred—­the most important—­the most inherent in the nation:  to make succession to the throne, purely, supremely, and despotically arbitrary; in a word, to make of a bastard a crown prince, is a crime more black, more vast, more terrible, than that of high treason against the chief of the State.

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Volume 09 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.