Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 313 pages of information about Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Complete.

Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 313 pages of information about Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Complete.

Madame de Fiennes had a considerable stock of wit, and was a great joker; her tongue spared no one but me.  Perceiving that she treated the King and Monsieur with as little ceremony as any other persons, I took her by the hand one day, and, leading her apart, I said to her, “Madame, you are very agreeable; you have a great deal of wit, and the manner in which you display it is pleasant to the King and Monsieur, because they are accustomed to you; but to me, who am but just arrived, I cannot say that I like it.  When any persons entertain themselves at my expense, I cannot help being very angry, and it is for this reason that I am going to give you a little advice.  If you spare me we shall be mighty good friends; but if you treat me as I see you treat others, I shall say nothing to you; I shall, nevertheless, complain of you to your husband, and if he does not restrain you I shall dismiss him.”

He was my Equerry-in-Ordinary.

She promised never to speak of me, and she kept her word.

Monsieur often said to me, “How does it happen that Madame de Fiennes never says anything severe of you?”

I answered, “Because she loves me.”

I would not tell him what I had done, for he would immediately have excited her to attack me.

I was called sometimes ‘Soeur Pacifique’, because I did all in my power to maintain harmony between Monsieur and his cousins, La Grande Mademoiselle,

     [Anne-Marie-Louise d’Orleans, Duchesse de Montpensier, and
     Marguerite-Louise d’Orleans, Duchess of Tuscany, daughters of
     Gaston, Duc d’Orleans, but by different wives.]

and La Grande Duchesse: 

     [Charlotte-Eleonore-Maddleine de la Motte Houdancourt, Duchesse de
     Ventadour; she was gouvernante to Louis XV.]

they quarrelled very frequently, and always like children, for the slightest trifles.

Madame de Ventadour was my Maid of Honour for at least sixteen years.  She did not quit me until two years after the death of my husband, and then it was by a contrivance of old Maintenon; she wished to annoy me because she knew I was attached to this lady, who was good and amiable, but not very cunning.  Old Maintenon succeeded in depriving me of her by means of promises and threats, which were conveyed by Soubise, whose son had married Madame de Ventadour’s daughter, and who was an artful woman.  By way of recompense she was made gouvernante.  They tried, also, to deprive me of Madame de Chateau Thiers; the old woman employed all her power there, too, but Madame de Chateau Thiers remained faithful to me, without telling of these attempts, which I learnt from another source.

Madame de Monaco might, perhaps, be fond of forming very close attachments of her own sex, and Madame de Maintenon would have put me on the same footing; but she did not succeed, and was so much vexed at her disappointment that she wept.  Afterwards she wanted to make me in love with the Chevalier de Vendome, and this project succeeded no better than the other.  She often said she could not think of what disposition I must be, since I cared neither for men nor women, and that the German nation must be colder than any other.

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.