The Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz — Complete [Historic court memoirs] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 359 pages of information about The Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz — Complete [Historic court memoirs].

The Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz — Complete [Historic court memoirs] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 359 pages of information about The Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz — Complete [Historic court memoirs].
life long with the humour of those who were at the helm; M. de Grammont was a slave to them.  The Parliament, being delivered from the tyranny of Richelieu, imagined the golden age was returning, being daily assured by the Prime Minister that the Queen would not take one step without them.  The clergy, who are always great examples of slavish servitude themselves, preached it to others under the plausible title of passive obedience.  Thus both clergy and laity were, in an instant, become the devotees of Mazarin.

Being ordered by my Lord Archbishop of Paris to take care of his diocese in his absence, my first business was, by the Queen’s express command, to visit the Nuns of the Conception, where, knowing that there were above fourscore virgins, many of whom were very pretty and some coquettes, I was very loth to go for fear, of exposing my virtue to temptation; but I could not be excused, so I went, and preserved my virtue, to my neighbour’s edification, because for six weeks together I did not see the face of any one of the nuns, nor talked to any of them but when their veils were down, which gave me a vast reputation for chastity.  I continued to perform all the necessary functions in the diocese as far as the jealousy of my uncle would give me leave, and, forasmuch as he was generally so peevish that it was a very hard matter to please him, I at length chose to sit still and do nothing.  Thus I made the best use imaginable of my uncle’s ill-nature, being sure to convince him of my honest intentions upon all occasions; whereas had I been my own master, the rules of good conduct would have obliged me to confine myself to things in their own nature practicable.

The Cardinal Mazarin confessed to me, many years afterwards, that this conduct of mine in managing the affairs of the diocese, though it did him no injury, was the first thing that made him jealous of my growing greatness in Paris.  Another thing alarmed him with as little reason, and that was my undertaking to examine the capacity of all the priests of my diocese, a thing of inconceivable use and importance.  For this end I erected three tribunals, composed of canons, curates, and men of religious orders, who were to reduce all the priests under three different classes, whereof the first was to consist of men well qualified, who were therefore to be left in the exercise of their functions; the second was to comprehend those who were not at present, but might in time prove able men; and the third of such men as were neither now nor ever likely to become so.  The two last classes, being separated from the first, were not to exercise their functions, but were lodged in separate houses; those of the second class were instructed in the doctrine, but the third only in the practice of piety.  As this could not but be very expensive, the good people opened their purses and contributed liberally.  The Cardinal was so disturbed when he heard of it that he got the Queen to send for my uncle upon a frivolous

Project Gutenberg
The Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz — Complete [Historic court memoirs] from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.