The Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz — Complete [Historic court memoirs] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 359 pages of information about The Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz — Complete [Historic court memoirs].

The Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz — Complete [Historic court memoirs] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 359 pages of information about The Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz — Complete [Historic court memoirs].

You might have seen fire in ’the face of every member.  The First President called out “Order!” and said, “Mm. de Beaufort, le Coadjuteur, and Broussel, you are accused, and you must withdraw.”

As Beaufort and I were leaving our seats, Broussel stopped us, saying, “Neither you, gentlemen, nor I are bound to depart till we are ordered to do so by the Court.  The First President, whom all the world knows to be our adversary, should go out if we must.”

I added, “And M. le Prince,” who thereupon said, with a scornful air: 

“What, I?  Must I retire?”

“Yes, yes, monsieur,” said I, “justice is no respecter of persons.”

The President de Mesmes said, “No, monseigneur, you must not go out unless the Court orders you.  If the Coadjutor insists that your Highness retire, he must demand it by a petition.  As for himself, he is accused, and therefore must go out; but, seeing he raises difficulties and objections to the contrary, we must put it to the vote.”  And it was passed that we should withdraw.

Meanwhile, most of the members passed encomiums upon us, satires upon the Ministry, and anathemas upon the witnesses for the Crown.  Nor were the cures and the parishioners wanting in their duty on this occasion.  The people came in shoals from all parts of Paris to the Parliament House.  Nevertheless, no disrespect was shown either to the King’s brother or to M. le Prince; only some in their presence cried out, “God bless M. de Beaufort!  God bless the Coadjutor!”

M. de Beaufort told the First President next day that, the State and royal family being in danger, every moment was precious, and that the offenders ought to receive condign punishment, and that therefore the Chambers ought to be assembled without loss of time.  Broussel attacked the First President with a great deal of warmth.  Eight or ten councillors entered immediately into the Great Chamber to testify their astonishment at the indolence and indifference of the House after such a furious conspiracy, and that so little zeal was shown to prosecute the criminals.  Mm. de Bignon and Talon, counsel for the Crown, alarmed the people by declaring that as for themselves they had no hand in the conclusions, which were ridiculous.  The First President returned very calm answers, knowing well that we should have been glad to have put him into a passion in order to catch at some expression that might bear an exception in law.

On Christmas Day I preached such a sermon on Christian charity, without mentioning the present affairs, that the women even wept for the unjust persecution of an archbishop who had so great a tenderness for his very enemies.

Project Gutenberg
The Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz — Complete [Historic court memoirs] from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.