Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois — Complete [Court memoir series] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 244 pages of information about Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois — Complete [Court memoir series].

Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois — Complete [Court memoir series] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 244 pages of information about Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois — Complete [Court memoir series].
passionately fond of the King my husband, but had hitherto granted no favours inconsistent with prudence and modesty, piqued by his jealousy of my brother, gave herself up suddenly to his will, and unfortunately became pregnant.  She no sooner made this discovery, than she altered her conduct towards me entirely from what it was before.  She now shunned my presence as much as she had been accustomed to seek it, and whereas before she strove to do me every good office with the King my husband, she now endeavoured to make all the mischief she was able betwixt us.  For his part, he avoided me; he grew cold and indifferent, and since Fosseuse ceased to conduct herself with discretion, the happy moments that we experienced during the four or five years we were together in Gascony were no more.

Peace being restored, and my brother departed for France, as I have already related, the King my husband and I returned to Nerac.  We were no sooner there than Fosseuse persuaded the King my husband to make a journey to the waters of Aigues-Caudes, in Bearn, perhaps with a design to rid herself of her burden there.  I begged the King my husband to excuse my accompanying him, as, since the affront that I had received at Pau, I had made a vow never to set foot in Bearn until the Catholic religion was reestablished there.  He pressed me much to go with him, and grew angry at my persisting to refuse his request.  He told me that his little girl (for so he affected to call Fosseuse) was desirous to go there on account of a colic, which she felt frequent returns of.  I answered that I had no objection to his taking her with him.  He then said that she could not go unless I went; that it would occasion scandal, which might as well be avoided.  He continued to press me to accompany him, but at length I prevailed with him to consent to go without me, and to take her with him, and, with her, two of her companions, Rebours and Ville-Savin, together with the governess.  They set out accordingly, and I waited their return at Baviere.

I had every day news from Rebours, informing me how matters went.  This Rebours I have mentioned before to have been the object of my husband’s passion, but she was now cast off, and, consequently, was no friend to Fosseuse, who had gained that place in his affection she had before held.  She, therefore, strove all she could to circumvent her; and, indeed, she was fully qualified for such a purpose, as she was a cunning, deceitful young person.  She gave me to understand that Fosseuse laboured to do me every ill office in her power; that she spoke of me with the greatest disrespect on all occasions, and expressed her expectations of marrying the King herself, in case she should be delivered of a son, when I was to be divorced.  She had said, further, that when the King my husband returned to Baviere, he had resolved to go to Pau, and that I should go with him, whether I would or not.

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois — Complete [Court memoir series] from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.