Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois, the — Volume 3 [Court memoir series] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 75 pages of information about Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois, the — Volume 3 [Court memoir series].

Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois, the — Volume 3 [Court memoir series] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 75 pages of information about Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois, the — Volume 3 [Court memoir series].

In 1593, Mayenne, having sold his own claims to Philip of Spain, the opposition to Henri looked more solid and dangerous than ever; he therefore thought the time was come for the great step which should rally to him all the moderate Catholics.  After a decent period of negotiation and conferences, he declared himself convinced, and heard mass at St. Denis.  The conversion had immediate effect; it took the heart out of the opposition; city after city came in; the longing for peace was strong in every breast, and the conversion seemed to remove the last obstacle.  The Huguenots, little as they liked it, could not oppose the step, and hoped to profit by their champion’s improved position.  Their ablest man, Sully, had even advised Henri to make the plunge.  In 1594, Paris opened her gates to Henri, who had been solemnly crowned, just before, at Chartres.  He was welcomed with immense enthusiasm, and from that day onwards has ever been the favourite hero of the capital.  By 1595 only one foe remained,—­the Spanish Court.  The League was now completely broken up; the Parliament of Paris gladly aided the King to expel the Jesuits from France.  In November, 1595, Henri declared war against Spain, for anything was better than the existing state of things, in which Philip’s hand secretly supported all opposition:  The war in 1596 was far from being successful for Henri; he was comforted, however, by receiving at last the papal absolution, which swept away the last scruples of France.

By rewards and kindliness,—­for Henri was always willing to give and had a pleasant word for all, most of the reluctant nobles, headed by the Duc de Mayenne himself, came in in the course of 1596.  Still the war pressed very heavily, and early in 1597 the capture of Amiens by the Spaniards alarmed Paris, and roused the King to fresh energies.  With help of Sully (who had not yet received the title by which he is known in history) Henri recovered Amiens, and checked the Spanish advance.  It was noticed that while the old Leaguers came very heartily to the King’s help, the Huguenots hung back in a discontented and suspicious spirit.  After the fall of Amiens the war languished; the Pope offered to mediate, and Henri had time to breathe.  He felt that his old comrades, the offended Huguenots, had good cause for complaint; and in April, 1598, he issued the famous Edict of Nantes, which secured their position for nearly a century.  They got toleration for their opinions; might worship openly in all places, with the exception of a few towns in which the League had been strong; were qualified to hold office in financial posts and in the law; had a Protestant chamber in the Parliaments.

Immediately after the publication of the Edict of Nantes, the Treaty of Vervins was signed.  Though Henri by it broke faith with Queen Elizabeth, he secured an honourable peace for his country, an undisputed kingship for himself.  It was the last act of Philip II., the confession that his great schemes were unfulfilled, his policy a failure.

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois, the — Volume 3 [Court memoir series] from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.