Love Among the Chickens eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 197 pages of information about Love Among the Chickens.

Love Among the Chickens eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 197 pages of information about Love Among the Chickens.

Taking everything into consideration, I could not but feel that it would require more than a little persuasion to make the professor bestow his blessing with that genial warmth which we like to see in our fathers-in-law’s elect.

“You don’t think,” I said, “that time, the Great Healer, and so on—?  He won’t feel kindlier disposed towards me—­say in a month’s time?”

“Of course he might,” said Phyllis; but she spoke doubtfully.

“He strikes me from what I have seen of him as a man of moods.  I might do something one of these days which would completely alter his views.  We will hope for the best.”

“About telling father——?”

“Need we, do you think?” I said.

“Yes, we must.  I couldn’t bear to think that I was keeping it from him.  I don’t think I’ve ever kept anything from him in my life.  Nothing bad, I mean.”

“You count this among your darker crimes, then?”

“I was looking at it from father’s point of view.  He will be awfully angry.  I don’t know how I shall begin telling him.”

“Good heavens!” I cried, “you surely don’t think I’m going to let you do that!  Keep safely out of the way while you tell him!  Not much.  I’m coming back with you now, and we’ll break the bad news together.”

“No, not to-night.  He may be tired and rather cross.  We had better wait till to-morrow.  You might speak to him in the morning.”

“Where shall I find him?”

“He is certain to go to the beach before breakfast for a swim.”

“Good.  I’ll be there.”

* * * * *

“Ukridge,” I said, when I got back, “I want your advice.”

It stirred him like a trumpet blast.  I suppose, when a man is in the habit of giving unsolicited counsel to everyone he meets, it is as invigorating as an electric shock to him to be asked for it spontaneously.

“Bring it out, laddie!” he replied cordially.  “I’m with you.  Here, come along into the garden, and state your case.”

This suited me.  It is always easier to talk intimately in the dark, and I did not wish to be interrupted by the sudden entrance of the Hired Man or Mrs. Beale, of which there was always a danger indoors.  We walked down to the paddock.  Ukridge lit a cigar.

“Ukridge,” I said, “I’m engaged!”

“What!” A huge hand whistled through the darkness and smote me heavily between the shoulder-blades.  “By Jove, old boy, I wish you luck.  ’Pon my Sam I do!  Best thing in the world for you.  Bachelors are mere excrescences.  Never knew what happiness was till I married.  When’s the wedding to be?”

“That’s where I want your advice.  What you might call a difficulty has arisen about the wedding.  It’s like this.  I’m engaged to Phyllis Derrick.”

“Derrick?  Derrick?”

“You can’t have forgotten her!  Good Lord, what eyes some men have!  Why, if I’d only seen her once, I should have remembered her all my life.”

Project Gutenberg
Love Among the Chickens from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.