Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle eBook

Victor Appleton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 158 pages of information about Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle.

Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle eBook

Victor Appleton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 158 pages of information about Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle.

Some of the buffaloes were very large, and there were a number of pairs of fine horns.  Tom and Ned had some of the blacks cut them off for trophies, and they were stored in the airship together with the ivory.

Becoming rather tired of seeing so much feasting, our friends bade the Africans farewell the next day, and once more resumed their quest.  They navigated through the air for another week, stopping at several villages, and scanning the jungles and plains by means of powerful telescopes, for a sight of the red pygmies.  They also asked for news of the sacking of the missionary settlement, but, beyond meager facts, could learn nothing.

“Well, we’ve got to keep on, that’s all,” decided Mr. Durban.  “We may find them most unexpectedly.”

“I’m sorry if I have taken you away from your work of gathering ivory,” spoke Mr. Anderson.  “Perhaps you had better let me go, and I’ll see if I can’t organize a band of friendly blacks, and search for the red dwarfs myself.”

“Not much!” exclaimed Tom warmly.  “I said we’d help rescue those missionaries, and we’ll do it, too!”

“Of course,” declared the old elephant hunter.  “We have quite a lot of ivory and, while we need more to make it pay well, we can look for it after we rescue the missionaries as well as before.  Perhaps there will be a lot of elephants in the pygmies’ land.”

“I was only thinking that we can’t go on forever in the airship.” said Mr. Anderson.  “You’ll have to go back to civilization soon, won’t you, Tom, to get gasolene?”

“No, we have enough for at least a month,” answered the young inventor.  “I took aboard an unusually large supply when we started.”

“What would happen if we ran out of it in the jungle?” asked Ned.  “Bless my pocketbook!  What an unpleasant question!” exclaimed Mr. Damon.  “You are almost as cheerful, Ned, as was my friend Mr. Parker, the gloomy scientist, who was always predicting dire happenings.”

“Well, I was only wondering,” said Ned, who was a little abashed by the manner in which his inquiry was received.

“Oh, it would be all right,” declared Tom.  “We would simply become a balloon, and in time the wind would blow us to some white settlement.  There is plenty of material for making the lifting gas.”

This was reassuring, and, somewhat easier in mind, Ned took his place in the observation tower which looked down on the jungle over which they were passing.

It was a dense forest.  At times there could be seen, in the little clearings, animals darting along.  There were numbers of monkeys, an occasional herd of buffaloes were observed, sometimes a solitary stray elephant was noted, and as for birds, there were thousands of them.  It was like living over a circus, Ned declared.

They had descended one day just outside a large native village to make inquiries about elephants and the red pygmies.  Of the big beasts no signs had been seen in several months, the hunters of the tribe told Mr. Durban.  And concerning the red pygmies, the blacks seemed indisposed to talk.

Project Gutenberg
Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.