The Valley of Fear eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 221 pages of information about The Valley of Fear.

The Valley of Fear eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 221 pages of information about The Valley of Fear.

“We must kill him.”

“Ah, it’s the first thought that came to you!  So it will be up at the lodge.  Didn’t I say to you that it would end in murder?”

“Sure, what is murder?  Isn’t it common enough in these parts?”

“It is, indeed; but it’s not for me to point out the man that is to be murdered.  I’d never rest easy again.  And yet it’s our own necks that may be at stake.  In God’s name what shall I do?” He rocked to and fro in his agony of indecision.

But his words had moved McMurdo deeply.  It was easy to see that he shared the other’s opinion as to the danger, and the need for meeting it.  He gripped Morris’s shoulder and shook him in his earnestness.

“See here, man,” he cried, and he almost screeched the words in his excitement, “you won’t gain anything by sitting keening like an old wife at a wake.  Let’s have the facts.  Who is the fellow?  Where is he?  How did you hear of him?  Why did you come to me?”

“I came to you; for you are the one man that would advise me.  I told you that I had a store in the East before I came here.  I left good friends behind me, and one of them is in the telegraph service.  Here’s a letter that I had from him yesterday.  It’s this part from the top of the page.  You can read it yourself.”

This was what McMurdo read: 

    How are the Scowrers getting on in your parts?  We read

    plenty of them in the papers.  Between you and me I expect

    to hear news from you before long.  Five big corporations

    and the two railroads have taken the thing up in dead

    earnest.  They mean it, and you can bet they’ll get there!

    They are right deep down into it.  Pinkerton has taken hold

    under their orders, and his best man, Birdy Edwards, is

    operating.  The thing has got to be stopped right now.

“Now read the postscript.”

      Of course, what I give you is what I learned in business;

    so it goes no further.  It’s a queer cipher that you handle by

    the yard every day and can get no meaning from.

McMurdo sat in silence for some time, with the letter in his listless hands.  The mist had lifted for a moment, and there was the abyss before him.

“Does anyone else know of this?” he asked.

“I have told no one else.”

“But this man —­ your friend —­ has he any other person that he would be likely to write to?”

“Well, I dare say he knows one or two more.”

“Of the lodge?”

“It’s likely enough.”

“I was asking because it is likely that he may have given some description of this fellow Birdy Edwards —­ then we could get on his trail.”

“Well, it’s possible.  But I should not think he knew him.  He is just telling me the news that came to him by way of business.  How would he know this Pinkerton man?”

Project Gutenberg
The Valley of Fear from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.