Hopes and Fears for Art eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 200 pages of information about Hopes and Fears for Art.
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Hopes and Fears for Art eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 200 pages of information about Hopes and Fears for Art.

Yes, and time was that it would have been so; the new house indeed would have taken away a little piece of the flowery green sward, a few yards of the teeming hedge-row; but a new order, a new beauty would have taken the place of the old:  the very flowers of the field would have but given place to flowers fashioned by man’s hand and mind:  the hedge-row oak would have blossomed into fresh beauty in roof-tree and lintel and door-post:  and though the new house would have looked young and trim beside the older houses and the ancient church; ancient even in those days; yet it would have a piece of history for the time to come, and its dear and dainty cream-white walls would have been a genuine link among the numberless links of that long chain, whose beginnings we know not of, but on whose mighty length even the many-pillared garth of Pallas, and the stately dome of the Eternal Wisdom, are but single links, wondrous and resplendent though they be.

Such I say can a new house be, such it has been:  for ’tis no ideal house I am thinking of:  no rare marvel of art, of which but few can ever be vouchsafed to the best times and countries; no palace either, not even a manor-house, but a yeoman’s steading at grandest, or even his shepherd’s cottage:  there they stand at this day, dozens of them yet, in some parts of England:  such an one, and of the smallest, is before my eyes as I speak to you, standing by the roadside on one of the western slopes of the Cotswolds:  the tops of the great trees near it can see a long way off the mountains of the Welsh border, and between a great county of hill, and waving woodland, and meadow and plain where lies hidden many a famous battlefield of our stout forefathers:  there to the right a wavering patch of blue is the smoke of Worcester town, but Evesham smoke, though near, is unseen, so small it is:  then a long line of haze just traceable shows where the Avon wends its way thence towards Severn, till Bredon Hill hides the sight both of it and Tewkesbury smoke:  just below on either side the Broadway lie the grey houses of the village street ending with a lovely house of the fourteenth century; above the road winds serpentine up the steep hill-side, whose crest looking westward sees the glorious map I have been telling of spread before it, but eastward strains to look on Oxfordshire, and thence all waters run towards Thames:  all about lie the sunny slopes, lovely of outline, flowery and sweetly grassed, dotted with the best-grown and most graceful of trees:  ’tis a beautiful countryside indeed, not undignified, not unromantic, but most familiar.

And there stands the little house that was new once, a labourer’s cottage built of the Cotswold limestone, and grown now, walls and roof, a lovely warm grey, though it was creamy white in its earliest day; no line of it could ever have marred the Cotswold beauty; everything about it is solid and well wrought:  it is skilfully planned and well proportioned:  there is a little sharp and delicate carving about its arched doorway, and every part of it is well cared for:  ’tis in fact beautiful, a work of art and a piece of nature—­ no less:  there is no man who could have done it better considering its use and its place.

Project Gutenberg
Hopes and Fears for Art from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.