Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 3,263 pages of information about Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon.

Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 3,263 pages of information about Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon.

“The Section of Brutus was surrounded, and the troops advanced upon the Place de Greve, where the crowd poured in from the Isle St. Louis, from the Theatre Francais, and from the Palace.  Everywhere the patriots had regained their courage, while the poniards of the emigrants, armed against us, had disappeared.  The people universally admitted their error.

“The next day the two Sections of Les Pelletier and the Theatre Francais were disarmed.”

The result of this petty civil war brought Bonaparte forward; but the party he defeated at that period never pardoned him for the past, and that which he supported dreaded him in the future.  Five years after he will be found reviving the principles which he combated on the 5th of October 1795.  On being appointed, on the motion of Barras, Lieutenant-General of the Army of the Interior, he established his headquarters in the Rue Neuve des Capucines.  The statement in the ’Manuscrit de Sainte Helene, that after the 13th Brumaire he remained unemployed at Paris, is therefore obviously erroneous.  So far from this, he was incessantly occupied with the policy of the nation, and with his own fortunes.  Bonaparte was in constant, almost daily, communication with every one then in power, and knew how to profit by all he saw or heard.

To avoid returning to this ‘Manuscrit de Sainte Helene’, which at the period of its appearance attracted more attention than it deserved, and which was very generally attributed to Bonaparte, I shall here say a few words respecting it.  I shall briefly repeat what I said in a note when my opinion was asked, under high authority, by a minister of Louis XVIII.

No reader intimately acquainted with public affairs can be deceived by the pretended authenticity of this pamphlet.  What does it contain?  Facts perverted and heaped together without method, and related in an obscure, affected, and ridiculously sententious style.  Besides what appears in it, but which is badly placed there, it is impossible not to remark the omission of what should necessarily be there, were Napoleon the author.  It is full of absurd and of insignificant gossip, of thoughts Napoleon never had, expressions unknown to him, and affectations far removed from his character.  With some elevated ideas, more than one style and an equivocal spirit can be seen in it.  Professed coincidences are put close to unpardonable anachronisms, and to the most absurd revelations.  It contains neither his thoughts, his style, his actions, nor his life.  Some truths are mimed up with an inconceivable mass of falsehoods.  Some forms of expression used by Bonaparte are occasionally met with, but they are awkwardly introduced, and often with bad taste.

It has been reported that the pamphlet was written by M. Bertrand, formerly an officer of the army of the Vistula, and a relation of the Comte de Simeon, peer of France.

Project Gutenberg
Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.