Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 3,263 pages of information about Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon.

Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 3,263 pages of information about Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon.

One morning, when I entered Bonaparte’s chamber—­it was, I believe, three or four days after the second visit of Bernadotte—­he said: 

“Well, Bourrienne, I wager you will not guess with whom I am going to
breakfast this morning?”--“Really, General, I ------“--“With Bernadotte;
and the best of the joke is, that I have invited myself.  You would have
seen how it was all brought about if you had been with us at the Theatre
Francais, yesterday evening.  You know we are going to visit Joseph today
at Mortfontaine.  Well, as we were coming out of the theatre last night,
finding myself side by aide with Bernadotte and not knowing what to talk
about, I asked him whether he was to be of our party to-day?  He replied
in the affirmative; and as we were passing his house in the Rue

   —­[Joseph Bonaparte lays great stress on the fact that Napoleon
   world not have passed this house, which was far from the theatre
   (Erreurs, tome i, p. 251).]—­

“I told him, without any ceremony, that I should be happy to come and take a cup of coffee with him in the morning.  He seemed pleased.  What do you think of that, Bourrienne?”—­“Why, General, I hope you may have reason on your part to be pleased with him.”—­“Never fear, never fear.  I know what I am about.  This will compromise him with Gohier.  Remember, you must always meet your enemies with a bold face, otherwise they think they are feared, and that gives them confidence.”

Bonaparte stepped into the carriage with Josephine, who was always ready when she had to go out with him, for he did not like to wait.  They proceeded first to Bernadotte’s to breakfast, and from thence to Mortfontaine.  On his return Bonaparte told me very little about what had passed during the day, and I could see that he was not in the best of humours.  I afterwards learned that Bonaparte had conversed a good deal with Bernadotte, and that he had made every effort to render himself agreeable, which he very well knew how to do when he chose! but that, in spite of all his conversational talent; and supported as he was by the presence of his three brothers, and Regnault de St. Jean d’Angely, he could not withstand the republican firmness of Bernadotte.  However, the number of his partisans daily augmented; for all had not the uncompromising spirit of Bernadotte; and it will soon be seen that Moreau himself undertook charge of the Directors who were made prisoners on the 18th Brumaire.

Bernadotte’s shrewd penetration made him one of the first to see clearly into Bonaparte’s designs.  He was well convinced of his determination to overthrow the constitution and possess himself of power.  He saw the Directory divided into two parties; the one duped by the promises and assurances of Bonaparte, and the other conniving with him for the accomplishment of his plans.  In these circumstances Bernadotte offered his services to all persons connected with the Government who, like himself, were averse to the change which he saw good reason to apprehend.  But Bonaparte was not the man to be outdone in cunning or activity; and every moment swelled the ranks of his adherents.

Project Gutenberg
Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.