Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 3,263 pages of information about Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon.

Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 3,263 pages of information about Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon.

It is scarcely possible that some accidents should not occur during a long voyage in a crowded vessel—­that some persons should not fall overboard.  Accidents of this kind frequently happened on board the ‘Orient’.  On those occasions nothing was more remarkable than the great humanity of the man who has since been so prodigal of the blood of his fellow-creatures on the field of battle, and who was about to shed rivers of it even in Egypt, whither we were bound.  When a man fell into the sea the General-in-Chief was in a state of agitation till he was saved.  He instantly had the ship hove-to, and exhibited the greatest uneasiness until the unfortunate individual was recovered.  He ordered me to reward those who ventured their lives in this service.  Amongst these was a sailor who had incurred punishment for some fault.  He not only exempted him from the punishment, but also gave him some money.  I recollect that one dark night we heard a noise like that occasioned by a man falling into the sea.  Bonaparte instantly caused the ship to be hove-to until the supposed victim was rescued from certain death.  The men hastened from all sides, and at length they picked up-what?—­the quarter of a bullock, which had fallen from the hook to which it was hung.  What was Bonaparte’s conduct?  He ordered me to reward the sailors who had exerted themselves in this occasion even more generously than usual, saying, “It might have been a sailor, and these brave fellows have shown as much activity and courage as if it had.”

After the lapse of thirty years all these things are as fresh in my recollection as if they were passing at the present moment.  In this manner Bonaparte employed his time on board the Orient during the voyage, and it was also at this time that he dictated to me the following proclamation: 

Headquarters on board theOrient,”
The 4th Messidor, Year vi.

Bonaparte, member of the national institute,

Soldiers—­You are about to undertake a conquest the effects of which on civilisation and commerce are incalculable.  The blow you are about to give to England will be the best aimed, and the most sensibly felt, she can receive until the time arrive when you can give her her deathblow.
We must make some fatiguing marches; we must fight several battles; we shall succeed in all we undertake.  The destinies are with us.  The Mameluke Beys who favour exclusively English commerce, whose extortions oppress our merchants, and who tyrannise over the unfortunate inhabitants of the Nile, a few days after our arrival will no longer exist.
The people amongst whom we are going to live are Mahometans.  The first article of their faith is this:  “There is no God but God, and Mahomet is his prophet.”  Do not contradict them.  Behave to them as you
Project Gutenberg
Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.