Lay Morals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 303 pages of information about Lay Morals.

Lay Morals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 303 pages of information about Lay Morals.

In one point only do these pictures seem to be unworthy of the text, and that point is one rather of the difference of arts than the difference of artists.  Throughout his best and worst, in his highest and most divine imaginations as in the narrowest sallies of his sectarianism, the human-hearted piety of Bunyan touches and ennobles, convinces, accuses the reader.  Through no art beside the art of words can the kindness of a man’s affections be expressed.  In the cuts you shall find faithfully parodied the quaintness and the power, the triviality and the surprising freshness of the author’s fancy; there you shall find him out-stripped in ready symbolism and the art of bringing things essentially invisible before the eyes:  but to feel the contact of essential goodness, to be made in love with piety, the book must be read and not the prints examined.

Farewell should not be taken with a grudge; nor can I dismiss in any other words than those of gratitude a series of pictures which have, to one at least, been the visible embodiment of Bunyan from childhood up, and shown him, through all his years, Great-heart lungeing at Giant Maul, and Apollyon breathing fire at Christian, and every turn and town along the road to the Celestial City, and that bright place itself, seen as to a stave of music, shining afar off upon the hill-top, the candle of the world.



My companion enjoyed a cheap reputation for wit and insight.  He was by habit and repute a satirist.  If he did occasionally condemn anything or anybody who richly deserved it, and whose demerits had hitherto escaped, it was simply because he condemned everything and everybody.  While I was with him he disposed of St. Paul with an epigram, shook my reverence for Shakespeare in a neat antithesis, and fell foul of the Almighty Himself, on the score of one or two out of the ten commandments.  Nothing escaped his blighting censure.  At every sentence he overthrew an idol, or lowered my estimation of a friend.  I saw everything with new eyes, and could only marvel at my former blindness.  How was it possible that I had not before observed A’s false hair, B’s selfishness, or C’s boorish manners?  I and my companion, methought, walked the streets like a couple of gods among a swarm of vermin; for every one we saw seemed to bear openly upon his brow the mark of the apocalyptic beast.  I half expected that these miserable beings, like the people of Lystra, would recognise their betters and force us to the altar; in which case, warned by the late of Paul and Barnabas, I do not know that my modesty would have prevailed upon me to decline.  But there was no need for such churlish virtue.  More blinded than the Lycaonians, the people saw no divinity in our gait; and as our temporary godhead lay more in the way of observing than healing their infirmities, we were content to pass them by in scorn.

Project Gutenberg
Lay Morals from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.