Rabelais’ blunder, 146.
p 224
Raleigh (Sir Walter), 171.
Ray’s (John) Remains, 118.
Render, a bad translator; 47.
Richardson’s (S.) etymology of correspondence,
Ridings of Yorkshire, 7, 191.
Robertson’s Scotland, translation of,
Robinson (Otis H.), on ``Titles of Books,’’
Roche’s (Sir Boyle) bull of the bird that was
two places at once,
Rogue Croix for Rouge Croix, 130.
Ruskin’s Notes on Sheepfolds, 73.
Saints (Imaginary), 13.
Sala’s (Mr.) opinion on misprints, 128.
San Francisco, Florence, mistaken for San
Francisco, California,
Saroom (Jean), 66.
Schoolboys’ Blunders, 157-187,
Scot’s Hop-Garden, 90.
Scott (Sir Walter), ghost word. 5.
——his real name said to be William,
Scylla and Charybdis, 43.
Shakespeare’s text improved by attention to
technicalities of printing,
105, 113.
Sharp’s (William) misprint, 120.
Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound, a copy
in whole calf, 72.
Shenstone, epitaph on, by a Frenchman, 212.
Shirley’s lines, misprints in, 125.
Sinclair’s (Archdeacon) anecdote of an examination,
p 225
Sixtus V. (Pope), misprints in his edition of the
Vulgate, 135.
Skeat’s (Prof.) ghost words, 2.
——On misprints in Chaucer’s
works, 153.
Skimpole (Harold), 34.
Smith’s (Sydney) ghost word, 4.
Souza’s edition of Camoens, 98.
Stanyhurst’s translation of Virgil (1582), 59,
Stevens (Henry) on the ``Wicked’’ Bible,
Susannah called a maiden, 41.
Swinburne’s Under the Microscope, 73.
Tellurium, supposed magnetic qualities of, 52.
``Thisms’’ for this MS., 119.
Tongs, strife of, 150.
Topography for typography, 121.
Translations, humorous, 61.
Translators said to be traitors, 47
Tressan (Comte de), 47.
Trinity (Master of), 60.
Twain (Mark) on schoolboys’ blunders, 160.
Unite for untie, 149.
Ussher (Archbishop), 141.
Vagabond (Mr.) for Mr. Rambler, 60.
Vedast (St.), alias Foster, 13.
Venus for Venns, 130.
Viar (S.), 16.
Vieta’s Canon Mathematicus, 144.
Virtuous Rocks for Vitreous Rocks, 150.
Viscontian snakes, 48.
p 226 Vitus (Saint), 16.
Wade’s (Marshal) roads, 26.
Walker, London, 53.
Walpole’s (Horace) specimen of a bull, 29.
Wa:lsch for Welsh, 51.
Warburton’s (Bishop) blunder in quoting Cinthio
Watt’s Bibliotheca Britannica, blunder
in, 63.
Welsh rabbit, 52.
Wigorn (Bishop), 66.
William IV. when Duke of Clarence, 211.
Winton (George), 66.
Witt’s (Richard) Arithmetical Questions,
Words that never existed, 3.
Writing (bad) of authors, 122.