Dwelling Place of Light, the — Volume 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 179 pages of information about Dwelling Place of Light, the — Volume 3.

Dwelling Place of Light, the — Volume 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 179 pages of information about Dwelling Place of Light, the — Volume 3.

The atmosphere of excitement in which Janet now found herself was cumulative.  Day by day one strange event followed another, and at times it seemed as if this extraordinary existence into which she had been plunged were all a feverish dream.  Hither, to the absurd little solle de reunion of the Franco-Belgian Hall came notables from the great world, emissaries from an uneasy Governor, delegations from the Legislature, Members of the Congress of the United States and even Senators; students, investigators, men and women of prominence in the universities, magazine writers to consult with uncouth leaders of a rebellion that defied and upset the powers which hitherto had so serenely ruled, unchallenged.  Rolfe identified these visitors, and one morning called her attention to one who he said was the nation’s foremost authority on social science.  Janet possessed all unconsciously the New England reverence for learning, she was stirred by the sight of this distinguished-looking person who sat on the painted stage, fingering his glasses and talking to Antonelli.  The two men made a curious contrast.  But her days were full of contrasts of which her mood exultingly approved.  The politicians were received cavalierly.  Toward these, who sought to act as go-betweens in the conflict, Antonelli was contemptuous; he behaved like the general of a conquering army, and his audacity was reflected in the other leaders, in Rolfe, in the Committee itself.

That Committee, a never-ending source of wonder to Janet, with its nine or ten nationalities and interpreters, was indeed a triumph over the obstacles of race and language, a Babel made successful; in a community of Anglo-Saxon traditions, an amazing anomaly.  The habiliments of the west, the sack coats and sweaters, the slouch hats and caps, the so-called Derbies pulled down over dark brows and flashing eyes lent to these peasant types an incongruity that had the air of ferocity.  The faces of most of them were covered with a blue-black stubble of beard.  Some slouched in their chairs, others stood and talked in groups, gesticulating with cigars and pipes; yet a keen spectator, after watching them awhile through the smoke, might have been able to pick out striking personalities among them.  He would surely have noticed Froment, the stout, limping man under whose white eyebrows flashed a pair of livid blue and peculiarly Gallic eyes; he held the Belgians in his hand:  Lindtzki, the Pole, with his zealot’s face; Radeau, the big Canadian in the checked Mackinaw; and Findley, the young American-less by any arresting quality of feature than by an expression suggestive of practical wisdom.

Project Gutenberg
Dwelling Place of Light, the — Volume 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.