For what concerns oracles, it is certain that a good while before the coming of Jesus Christ they had begun to lose their credit; for we see that Cicero troubled to find out the cause of their decay, and he has these words:
isto modo jam oracula Delphis non eduntur,
modo nostro aetate, sed jam diu; ut nihil
esse contemptius?”
["What is the reason that the oracles at Delphi are no longer uttered: not merely in this age of ours, but for a long time past, insomuch that nothing is more in contempt?” —Cicero, De Divin., ii. 57.]
But as to the other prognostics, calculated from the anatomy of beasts at sacrifices (to which purpose Plato does, in part, attribute the natural constitution of the intestines of the beasts themselves), the scraping of poultry, the flight of birds—
quasdam . . . rerum augurandarum
natas esse putamus.”
["We think some sorts
of birds are purposely created to serve
the purposes of augury.”—Cicero,
De Natura Deor., ii. 64.]
claps of thunder, the overflowing of rivers—
cernunt Aruspices, multa Augures provident,
oraculis declarantur, multa vaticinationibus,
somniis, multa portentis.”
["The Aruspices discern
many things, the Augurs foresee many things,
many things are announced
by oracles, many by vaticinations, many by
dreams, many by portents.”—Cicero,
De Natura Deor., ii. 65.]
—and others of the like nature, upon which antiquity founded most of their public and private enterprises, our religion has totally abolished them. And although there yet remain amongst us some practices of divination from the stars, from spirits, from the shapes and complexions of men, from dreams and the like (a notable example of the wild curiosity of our nature to grasp at and anticipate future things, as if we had not enough to do to digest the present)—
hanc tibi, rector Olympi,
visum mortalibus addere curam,
venturas ut dira per omina clades?....
subitum, quodcumque paras; sit coeca futuri
hominum fati, liceat sperare timenti.”