The Essays of Montaigne — Volume 01 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 73 pages of information about The Essays of Montaigne — Volume 01.

The Essays of Montaigne — Volume 01 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 73 pages of information about The Essays of Montaigne — Volume 01.
I have thought proper to settle my worldly affairs, having the benefit of your advice.”  Then addressing himself more particularly to his uncle, “Good uncle,” said he, “if I were to rehearse all the obligations under which I lie to you, I am sure that I never should make an end.  Let me only say that, wherever I have been, and with whomsoever I have conversed, I have represented you as doing for me all that a father could do for a son; both in the care with which you tended my education, and in the zeal with which you pushed me forward into public life, so that my whole existence is a testimony of your good offices towards me.  In short, I am indebted for all that I have to you, who have been to me as a parent; and therefore I have no right to part with anything, unless it be with your approval.”

There was a general silence hereupon, and his uncle was prevented from replying by tears and sobs.  At last he said that whatever he thought for the best would be agreeable to him; and as he intended to make him his heir, he was at liberty to dispose of what would be his.

Then he turned to his wife.  “My image,” said he (for so he often called her, there being some sort of relationship between them), “since I have been united to you by marriage, which is one of the most weighty and sacred ties imposed on us by God, for the purpose of maintaining human society, I have continued to love, cherish, and value you; and I know that you have returned my affection, for which I have no sufficient acknowledgment.  I beg you to accept such portion of my estate as I bequeath to you, and be satisfied with it, though it is very inadequate to your desert.”

Afterwards he turned to me.  “My brother,” he began, “for whom I have so entire a love, and whom I selected out of so large a number, thinking to revive with you that virtuous and sincere friendship which, owing to the degeneracy of the age, has grown to be almost unknown to us, and now exists only in certain vestiges of antiquity, I beg of you, as a mark of my affection to you, to accept my library:  a slender offering, but given with a cordial will, and suitable to you, seeing that you are fond of learning.  It will be a memorial of your old companion.”

Then he addressed all three of us.  He blessed God that in his extremity he had the happiness to be surrounded by those whom he held dearest in the world, and he looked upon it as a fine spectacle, where four persons were together, so unanimous in their feelings, and loving each other for each other’s sake.  He commended us one to the other; and proceeded thus:  “My worldly matters being arranged, I must now think of the welfare of my soul.  I am a Christian; I am a Catholic.  I have lived one, and I shall die one.  Send for a priest; for I wish to conform to this last Christian obligation.”  He now concluded his discourse, which he had conducted with such a firm face and with so distinct an utterance, that whereas, when I first entered his room, he was feeble, inarticulate in his speech, his pulse low and feverish, and his features pallid, now, by a sort of miracle, he appeared to have rallied, and his pulse was so strong that for the sake of comparison, I asked him to feel mine.

Project Gutenberg
The Essays of Montaigne — Volume 01 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.