Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,044 pages of information about Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon — Complete.

Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,044 pages of information about Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon — Complete.
and after introducing him, I withdrew.  The Emperor gave him a cool reception, and lectured him severely, and as he spoke very loud, I heard him against my will; but the king made his excuses in so low a tone that I could not hear a word of his justification.  Such scenes were often repeated, for the prince was dissipated and prodigal, which displeased the Emperor above all things else, and for which he reproved him severely, although he loved him, or rather because he loved him so much; for it is remarkable, that notwithstanding the frequent causes of displeasure which his family gave him, the Emperor still felt for all his relations the warmest affection.

A short time after the taking of Dantzig (May 24, 1807), the Emperor, wishing to reward Marshal Lefebvre for the recent services which he had rendered, had him summoned at six o’clock in the morning.  His Majesty was in consultation with the chief-of-staff of the army when the arrival of the marshal was announced.  “Ah!” said he to Berthier, “the duke does not delay.”  Then, turning to the officer on duty, “Say to the Duke of Dantzig that I have summoned him so early in order that he may breakfast with me.”  The officer, thinking that the Emperor had misunderstood the name, remarked to him, that the person who awaited his orders was not the Duke of Dantzig, but Marshal Lefebvre.  “It seems, monsieur, that you think me more capable of making a count [faire un conte] than a duke.”

The officer was somewhat disconcerted by this reply; but the Emperor reassured him with a smile, and said, “Go, give the duke my invitation, and say to him that in a quarter of an hour breakfast will be served.”  The officer returned to the marshal, who was, of course, very anxious to know why the Emperor had summoned him.  “Monsieur le Due, the Emperor invites you to breakfast with him, and begs you to wait a quarter of an hour.”  The marshal, not having noticed the new title which the officer gave him, replied by a nod, and seated himself on a folding chair on the back of which hung the Emperor’s sword, which the marshal inspected and touched with admiration and respect.  The quarter of an hour passed, when another ordnance officer came to summon the marshal to the Emperor, who was already at table with the chief-of-staff; and as he entered, the Emperor saluted him with, “Good-day, Monsieur le Due; be seated next to me.”

The marshal, astonished at being addressed by this title, thought at first that his Majesty was jesting; but seeing that he made a point of calling him Monsieur le, Due he was overcome with astonishment.  The Emperor, to increase his embarrassment, said to him, “Do you like chocolate, Monsieur le Duc?”—­“But—­yes, Sire.”—­“Well, we have none for breakfast, but I will give you a pound from the very town of Dantzig; for since you have conquered it, it is but just that it should make you some return.”  Thereupon the Emperor left the table, opened a little casket, took therefrom a package in the shape of a

Project Gutenberg
Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.