A sect cannot be destroyed by cannon-balls
Ability in making it be supposed that he really possessed
Absurdity of interfering with trifles
Admired him more for what he had the fortitude not
to do
Always proposing what he knew could not be honourably
acceded to
An old man’s blessing never yet harmed any one
Animated by an unlucky zeal
Buried for the purpose of being dug up
Calumny such powerful charms
Cause of war between the United States and England
Conquest can only be regarded as the genius of destruction
Demand everything, that you may obtain nothing
Die young, and I shall have some consolatory reflection
Every time we go to war with them we teach them how
to beat us
Every one cannot be an atheist who pleases
Go to England. The English like wrangling politicians
God in his mercy has chosen Napoleon to be his representative
on earth
Grew more angry as his anger was less regarded
Had neither learned nor forgotten anything
I have made sovereigns, but have not wished to be
one myself
I do not live—I merely exist
Immortality is the recollection one leaves
Kings feel they are born general: whatever else
they cannot do
Kiss the feet of Popes provided their hands are tied
Let women mind their knitting
Malice delights to blacken the characters of prominent
Manufacturers of phrases
More glorious to merit a sceptre than to possess one
Most celebrated people lose on a close view
Necessary to let men and things take their course
Nothing is changed in France: there is only one
Frenchman more
Put some gold lace on the coats of my virtuous republicans
Religion is useful to the Government
Rights of misfortune are always sacred
Something so seductive in popular enthusiasm
Strike their imaginations by absurdities than by rational
Submit to events, that he might appear to command
Tendency to sell the skin of the bear before killing
That consolation which is always left to the discontented
The boudoir was often stronger than the cabinet
The wish and the reality were to him one and the same
Those who are free from common prejudices acquire
To leave behind him no traces of his existence
Treaties of peace no less disastrous than the wars
Treaty, according to custom, was called perpetual
Trifles honoured with too much attention
Were made friends of lest they should become enemies
When a man has so much money he cannot have got it
Would enact the more in proportion as we yield
Yield to illusion when the truth was not satisfactory