Memoirs of Napoleon — Complete eBook

Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,767 pages of information about Memoirs of Napoleon — Complete.

Memoirs of Napoleon — Complete eBook

Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,767 pages of information about Memoirs of Napoleon — Complete.
month of October, for the Emperor would not renounce Venice.  In that case it would be necessary to be ready on the Rhine for an advance in Germany, as the army of Italy, if it could make head against the Archduke Charles, was not sufficiently strong for any operations on a grand scale.  At this period the conclusion of peace was certainly very doubtful; it was even seriously considered in, what form the rupture should be notified.

Towards the end of September Bottot, Barras’ secretary, arrived at Passeriano.  He was despatched by the Directory.  Bonaparte immediately suspected he was a new spy, come on a secret mission, to watch him.  He was therefore received and treated with coolness; but Bonaparte never had, as Sir Walter Scott asserts, the idea of ordering him to be shot.  That writer is also in error when he says that Bottot was sent to Passeriano to reproach Bonaparte for failing to fulfil his promise of sending money to the Directory.

Bonaparte soon gave Bottot an opportunity of judging of the kind of spirit which prevailed at headquarters.  He suddenly tendered his resignation, which he had already several times called upon the Directory to accept.  He accused the Government, at table, in Bottot’s presence, of horrible ingratitude.  He recounted all his subjects of complaint, in loud and impassioned language, without any restraint, and before twenty or thirty persons.

Indignant at finding that his reiterated demands for the erasure of my name from the list of emigrants had been slighted, and that, in spite of his representations, conveyed to Paris by General Bernadotte, Louis Bonaparte, and others, I was still included in that fatal list, he apostrophised M. Bottot at dinner one day, before forty individuals, among whom were the diplomatists Gallo, Cobentzel, and Meerweldt.  The conversation turned upon the Directory.  “Yes, truly,” cried Bonaparte, in a loud voice, “I have good reason to complain; and, to pass from great to little things, look, I pray you, at Bourrienne’s case.  He possesses my most unbounded confidence.  He alone is entrusted, under my orders, with all the details of the negotiation.  This you well know; and yet your Directory will not strike him off the list.  In a word it is not only an inconceivable, but an extremely stupid piece of business; for he has all my secrets; he knows my ultimatum, and could by a single word realize a handsome fortune, and laugh at your obstinacy.  Ask M. de Gallo if this be not true.”

Bottot wished to offer some excuse; but the general murmur which followed this singular outburst reduced him to silence.

The Marquis de Gallo had conversed with me but three days before, in the park of Passeriano, on the subject of my position with regard to France, of the determination expressed by the Directory not to erase my name, and of the risk I thereby ran.  “We have no desire,” continued he, “to renew the war; we wish sincerely for peace; but it must be an honourable one.  The Republic of Venice presents a large territory for partition, which would be sufficient for both parties.  The cessions at present proposed are not, however, satisfactory.  We want to know Bonaparte’s ultimatum; and I am authorised to offer an estate in Bohemia, with a title and residence, and an annual revenue of 90,000 florins.”

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of Napoleon — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.