Memoirs of Napoleon — Volume 07 eBook

Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 118 pages of information about Memoirs of Napoleon — Volume 07.

Memoirs of Napoleon — Volume 07 eBook

Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 118 pages of information about Memoirs of Napoleon — Volume 07.

The first sitting of the Court was occupied with the reading of the act of accusation or indictment, and the voices of the ushers, commanding silence, could scarce suppress the buzz which pervaded the Court at the mention of Moreau’s name.  All eyes were turned towards the conqueror of Hohenlinden, and while the Procureur Imperial read over the long indictment and invoked the vengeance of the law on an attempt against the head of the Republic, it was easy to perceive how he tortured his ingenuity to fasten apparent guilt on the laurels of Moreau.  The good sense of the public discerned proofs of his innocence in the very circumstances brought forward against him.  I shall never forget the effect produced—­so contrary to what was anticipated by the prosecutors—­ by the reading of a letter addressed by Moreau from his prison in the Temple to the First Consul, when the judges appointed to interrogate him sought to make his past conduct the subject of accusation, on account of M. de Klinglin’s papers having fallen into his hands.  He was reproached with having too long delayed transmitting these documents to the Directory; and it was curious to see the Emperor Napoleon become the avenger of pretended offences committed against the Directory which he had overthrown.

In the letter here alluded to Moreau said to Bonaparte, then First Consul—­

“In the short campaign of the year V. (from the 20th to the 23d of March 1797) we took the papers belonging to the staff of the enemy’s army, and a number of documents were brought to me which General Desaix, then wounded, amused himself by perusing.  It appeared from this correspondence that General Pichegru had maintained communications with the French Princes.  This discovery was very painful, and particularly to me, and we agreed to say nothing of the matter.  Pichegru, as a member of the Legislative Body, could do but little to injure the public cause, since peace was established.  I nevertheless took every precaution for protecting the army against the ill effects of a system of espionage . . . .  The events of the 18th Fructidor occasioned so much anxiety that two officers, who knew of the existence of the correspondence, prevailed on me to communicate it to the Government . . . .  I felt that, as a public functionary, I could no longer remain silent . . . .  During the two last campaigns in Germany, and since the peace, distant overtures have been made to me, with the view of drawing me into connection with the French Princes.  This appeared so absurd that I took no notice of these overtures.  As to the present conspiracy, I can assure you I have been far from taking any share in it.  I repeat to you, General, that whatever proposition to that effect was made me, I rejected it, and regarded it as the height of madness.  When it was represented to me that the invasion of England would offer a favourable opportunity for effecting a change in the French Government, I invariably answered
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Memoirs of Napoleon — Volume 07 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.