Memoirs of Napoleon — Volume 01 eBook

Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 105 pages of information about Memoirs of Napoleon — Volume 01.

Memoirs of Napoleon — Volume 01 eBook

Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 105 pages of information about Memoirs of Napoleon — Volume 01.
General—­I suppose that you are ignorant of the arrest of one of my officers, named Moulin, the bearer of a flag of truce, who has been detained for some days past at Murseco, contrary to the laws of war, and notwithstanding an immediate demand for his liberation being made by General Count Vital.  His being a French emigrant cannot take from him the rights of a flag of truce, and I again claim him in that character.  The courtesy and generosity which I have always experienced from the generals of your nation induces me to hope that I shall not make this application in vain; and it is with regret that I mention that your chief of brigade, Barthelemy, who ordered the unjust arrest of my flag of truce, having yesterday by the chance of war fallen into my hands, that officer will be dealt with according to the treatment which M. Moulin may receive.

     I most sincerely wish that nothing may occur to change the noble and
     humane conduct which the two nations have hitherto been accustomed
     to observe towards each other.  I have the honour, etc.,
                                             (Signed) Colli.

     CEVA. 17th April 1796.

Bonaparte replied as follows: 

General—­An emigrant is a parricide whom no character can render sacred.  The feelings of honour, and the respect due to the French people, were forgotten when M. Moulin was sent with a flag of truce.  You know the laws of war, and I therefore do not give credit to the reprisals with which you threaten the chief of brigade, Barthelemy.  If, contrary to the laws of war, you authorise such an act of barbarism, all the prisoners taken from you shall be immediately made responsible for it with the most deplorable vengeance, for I entertain for the officers of your nation that esteem which is due to brave soldiers.

The Executive Directory, to whom these letters were transmitted, approved of the arrest of M. Moulin; but ordered that he should be securely guarded, and not brought to trial, in consequence of the character with which he had been invested.

About the middle of the year 1796 the Directory proposed to appoint General Kellerman, who commanded the army of the Alps, second in command of the army of Italy.

On the 24th of May 1796 Bonaparte wrote to, Carnot respecting, this plan, which was far from being agreeable to him.  He said, “Whether I shall be employed here or anywhere else is indifferent to me:  to serve the country, and to merit from posterity a page in our history, is all my ambition.  If you join Kellerman and me in command in Italy you will undo everything.  General Kellerman has more experience than I, and knows how to make war better than I do; but both together, we shall make it badly.  I will not willingly serve with a man who considers himself the first general in Europe.”

Numbers of letters from Bonaparte to his wife have been published.  I cannot deny their, authenticity, nor is it my wish to do so.  I will, however, subjoin one which appears to me to differ a little from the rest.  It is less remarkable for exaggerated expressions of love, and a singularly ambitious and affected style, than most of the correspondence here alluded to.  Bonaparte is announcing the victory of Arcola to Josephine.

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of Napoleon — Volume 01 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.