The Time Machine eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 118 pages of information about The Time Machine.

The Time Machine eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 118 pages of information about The Time Machine.

’Still, however helpless the little people in the presence of their mysterious Fear, I was differently constituted.  I came out of this age of ours, this ripe prime of the human race, when Fear does not paralyse and mystery has lost its terrors.  I at least would defend myself.  Without further delay I determined to make myself arms and a fastness where I might sleep.  With that refuge as a base, I could face this strange world with some of that confidence I had lost in realizing to what creatures night by night I lay exposed.  I felt I could never sleep again until my bed was secure from them.  I shuddered with horror to think how they must already have examined me.

’I wandered during the afternoon along the valley of the Thames, but found nothing that commended itself to my mind as inaccessible.  All the buildings and trees seemed easily practicable to such dexterous climbers as the Morlocks, to judge by their wells, must be.  Then the tall pinnacles of the Palace of Green Porcelain and the polished gleam of its walls came back to my memory; and in the evening, taking Weena like a child upon my shoulder, I went up the hills towards the south-west.  The distance, I had reckoned, was seven or eight miles, but it must have been nearer eighteen.  I had first seen the place on a moist afternoon when distances are deceptively diminished.  In addition, the heel of one of my shoes was loose, and a nail was working through the sole—­they were comfortable old shoes I wore about indoors—­so that I was lame.  And it was already long past sunset when I came in sight of the palace, silhouetted black against the pale yellow of the sky.

’Weena had been hugely delighted when I began to carry her, but after a while she desired me to let her down, and ran along by the side of me, occasionally darting off on either hand to pick flowers to stick in my pockets.  My pockets had always puzzled Weena, but at the last she had concluded that they were an eccentric kind of vase for floral decoration.  At least she utilized them for that purpose.  And that reminds me!  In changing my jacket I found...’

The Time Traveller paused, put his hand into his pocket, and silently placed two withered flowers, not unlike very large white mallows, upon the little table.  Then he resumed his narrative.

’As the hush of evening crept over the world and we proceeded over the hill crest towards Wimbledon, Weena grew tired and wanted to return to the house of grey stone.  But I pointed out the distant pinnacles of the Palace of Green Porcelain to her, and contrived to make her understand that we were seeking a refuge there from her Fear.  You know that great pause that comes upon things before the dusk?  Even the breeze stops in the trees.  To me there is always an air of expectation about that evening stillness.  The sky was clear, remote, and empty save for a few horizontal bars far down in the sunset.  Well, that night the expectation took the colour of my fears.  In that darkling calm my senses seemed preternaturally sharpened.  I fancied I could even feel the hollowness of the ground beneath my feet:  could, indeed, almost see through it the Morlocks on their ant-hill going hither and thither and waiting for the dark.  In my excitement I fancied that they would receive my invasion of their burrows as a declaration of war.  And why had they taken my Time Machine?

Project Gutenberg
The Time Machine from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.